View Full Version : Being so daft - worried about seeing my DR

12-07-09, 16:37
Aaargghhh - I posted a day or 2 ago about a lump in my breast and I am pregnant. I am sooooo scared of telling him, incase I look stupid again. One of my daft worries and coming out looking like a freak and nutter.

Don't get me wrong my Dr is great, but I hate the thought of looking a fool again. Like he won't be able to feel it or something.

He dooesn't know I pregnant either yet and now I am worried about swine flu as I am classed as a higher risk person.

I dunno whether to ring him tomorrow and tell him I am pregnant - I am still on citralopam aswell - and keep my appt about my booby seperate which is on thursday.

Watcha all think?


12-07-09, 22:01
i would go in and tell all if ur doc is a pro he wont make u feel silly.
i think u get lumpy breassts when ur pregnant but u should talk about ur meds as there are certain ones to take when u r pregnant.
hope this helps
congrats by the way
choco x