View Full Version : Battleing Wih Citralopam

12-07-09, 19:34
hi veryone,day 32 on citralopam and the last 3 days have ben quite bearable,mood has lifted still a bit anxious but not as bad,and they are helping my ocd a bit,so heres hopin they are kicking in,got my first phsycologist appointment tomorrow,so onward and upwards:D

12-07-09, 19:40

Day 32!!! I'm on day 6 & thought I was going down hill so I'm so sorry you've been so bad but you've kind of reassured me a bit. I really hope things are on the up for you and sending lots of good luck for your appointment. Things certainly seem to sound like you're on a positive turn.

Hope you're well, let us know how you get on. x

12-07-09, 19:48
its been a long month,was put on them for ocd and anxiety,was ready to flush them countless times,but heres hopin they are kicking in.apparentley it takes 4/6 weeks for them to kick in,but in somepeople they work quicker,heres hopin u are one of them:)

12-07-09, 19:58
it took about 5 weeks for me. On week 13 now.

12-07-09, 20:02
how are you feeling now

12-07-09, 20:50
So much better - I do have bad days but then so does everyone! I feel really good in comparison to how I was feeling three months ago. It is tough but worth sticking it out. Hope it works for you too. I think it doesn't help trying to analyse how you are feeling every day - it just slows up the process of getting better.