View Full Version : feel like im going mad

12-07-09, 23:22
i don't know if im coming or going lately, i started having these funny feelings back in may and it scared the life out of me, let me describe them if i can: i can't stop swallowing, it feels like i have stuck my head out of a moving car window and need to gulp air? my throat, more so round by my adams apple feels really tight like someone is trying to strangle me, my jaw line feels tight also so im constantly pulling at it.
i've had thses symptoms nearly everyday and its driving me round the bend. i have been to the doctors and had blood tests done, looked at my throat and all was clear. so the doctor wanted to put me on anti depressants, but i declined as the thought of taking these freak me out, so they have now referred me for CBT, as it seems that i have just got myself tied up into 1 big knot and don't know which way to turn.
has anyone else had symptoms like this as i find it so hard to deal with.i can't relax, and when i sit down i always have to sit with my hand rested on my face.
i'm married with 2 children aged 8 and 14, and its effecting everyone as i can't seem to get involved with anything as i have no concentration, my stomach churns all the time, and i seem to have waves of panic nearly everyday even when im not doing anything.
i have never been like this so the past few months have been quite scary for me.
any advice would be greatley appreciated

12-07-09, 23:54
Hi there

this does sound like depression/anxiety. I have had similar symptons since March but am on anti-depressants and thay are (slowly) improving. I'm also married with 4 kids 16,14,9 & 6 and long to be back to my usual self especially as they are off on their holidays. We managed to go bowling for our son's 9th birthday yesterday and fitted in shopping for the elder kids so it was a success all round!!! The good days they are returning and yours will too.
Good luck and take care