View Full Version : At A Loose End

15-09-05, 15:11
I am not convinced at all if i actually have anxiety.
I have been ill for around 16 months now.
When it first started i felt lightheaded and like i was on another planet and all my energy was gone and i felt terrible everyday, i had numerous blood tests done and a ECG all came back fine.
I was never told what was wrong with me, i was just put on these cipralex pills, they never even told me what they were it was only when i looked up on the internet that i found out that they were antidepressants!
But i never have any anxious thoughts or feel anxious or anything i dont fear anything, nothing has ever stopped me going out anywhere or feeling scared of panic or anything anywhere.

I have felt the same the same every single day for the past 16 months i have not had one half decent day no matter what i have tried i have tried everything.

Every day i feel lightheaded, dizzy, very tired and worn out no energy at all, i feel shaky sometimes, i feel faint quite alot and i just dont feel with it and i can never be bothered to do anything.

I dont know whats wrong with me, if i said any of this to my doctor they would just say you have anxiety and thats it because thats whats on their screens but i have never been diagnosed with anything or had any explanations from any doctor at all.

I'm just wondering if it is not anxiety what else could it be?

If i dont have fear or anxious thoughts and i feel the same 24/7 for so long surely it cannot be anxiety???

15-09-05, 15:15
Hi Andrew

I think we all have these 'what if ' thoughts - but as you said- you have had tests which came back fine.

Ihave felt dizzy/lightheaded for the past 3 years constantly! back and forth to docs- and ringing in ears headaches etc etc. My tests have come back ok.

I didnt reaise that i was an anxious person - I have now come to accept that i am and get help for it, and im sure yours is axiety related also.

If you really are not happy then you could go back to your docs and have a chat with them?

Tatty B xx

15-09-05, 16:51
hi Andrew,

I have the same symptoms as you do. I have had them for the past 2 years. Sometimes they go away and sometimes they are consistently there. We all worry that something more serious could be wrong with us but that is just part of the anxiety. If all the tests have come back fine, then you really have nothing to worry about..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

15-09-05, 18:40
Hi Andrew,
All of your symptoms are those of anxiety, the reason that you have them day in day out is because you worry about them and think 'what if' all of the time. You have to put your trust in the doctor, as they have done the tests and they have all come back clear, a positive attitude works wonders with anxiety.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

15-09-05, 19:09
Hi Andrew--

I am definately no expert on the topic of anxiety, but I do notice a lot of similarities between us, so here goes...

I, too, have never had a formal "anxiety" diagnosis from a Doctor. Lord knows that I have seen plenty of them--I am at the other end of the spectrum however, in that only one Dr. that I have seen has ever even mentioned anxiety! I have seen 10+ Drs in the past 2 1/2 years, and had every test known to man....blood, ecg, ekg, 24 hour urine, thyroid, you name it...all normal (thank god). However, much like you, I continue on this roller coaster ride of just not feeling right. I also have the dizziness and lightheadedness--Mysterious pains everywhere--elevated blood pressure (at times) ,almost constant worries about my health, the list goes on and on and on...

It was not until 18 months of suffering with this that I actually came across a website that described the symptoms of anxiety....low and behold, every single story was me! I made a call to my dr. and told her that I wanted to try an anxiety med, which she prescribed. The med has taken the edge off, but the anxiety is still there, in the background...somedays it is nearly unbearable, and others I don't think about it at all.... The one thing that I have done, is to quit searching for something horrid that may be wrong with me....take your mind off of how bad you have it and concentrate more on the beauty of waking up and having a new chance everyday.... I am sorry that you are having a rough time--PM me if you want to chat.

15-09-05, 19:35
Hi Andrew,

Sooo sorry to hear you are still feeling this way Anxiety is so hard to understand is.nt it.
You say you have not been diagnosed with anything, you have been checked and everything has come back fine. Is,nt anxiaty a diagnoses?
Anxiety feeds on our inner most fear, we can be different with this fear.
I guess you have read the thread, what do you fear the most.
You said you don't fear anything, do you not fear that the doc's have missed something, "" Im just wondering if it is not anxiety, what else could it be, I don't know whats wrong with me"" is this not your fear.?
When I was acute I had the same symptoms as you and more, I was in fear 24/7. Once I eccepted it as anxiety I began to move on. Changing my thoughts towards the symptoms.
Its not easy changing the way we think, but it CAN be done. It takes alot of hard work support and time. I would not say I done this day by day, I had to do in minute by minute. Slowly pushing positive thoughts in. Mrs Anxiety is always there with her negative thoughts, but KEEP PUSHING the positive ones in Andrew.
I know it very vey hard Andrew but keep fighting, you wiil win in the end.



"Changing your negative beliefs is the first step in the
transformation process that will really make a difference in your life"

16-09-05, 10:01
Hi Andrew,
I agree with Jill try to think more positive thoughts rather than the negative. While ever you think the worst the more you'll feel the worst. It does sound typical of anxiety although you have no fear of going out anywhere it doesnt mean its not anxiety. You fear more about your health than going out. Do you know what triggered your anxiety off? did you have any medical problems around the time it all started? even the slightest thing can kick anxiety off it doesnt have to be anything major. Have a think back. Think positive thoughts and shut out the negative ones this is the only way to try and overcome it. I did it although it does come back to me when i least expect it, tipical! I dont think it will go pemanently but at least i dont have it everyday. Take everyday as it comes. Hope you can do it aswell.

16-09-05, 19:51

I agree with the other guys.

I have similar symptoms to you and don't think I am "actively" having anxious or fearful thoughts... just generally feel this way.

Again try to think positively and look at trying to stay relaxed - lots of deep breathing and brisk walks and telling yourself it is nothing to worry about.

Hope it helps - you're always going to have bad days - but if you are able to make them not *so* bad you are moving in the right direction.

Take it easy
