View Full Version : Burning sensations

15-09-05, 19:44
Hi all,

I was just wondering if any of you have experienced the following symptom... It is not as scary as chest pains, etopic beats which I suffer also but it is making me anxious all the same.

Burning/hot sensations that move around the body - particualrly side of head and foot but can be anywhere. Sometimes this feeling makes me itchy but sometimes not....

Could this just be an anxiety symptom or is it a circulation problem or something else. I have read candida can cause this symptom and I do have many of these symptoms too but dont know what to do about this either.

I feel at my wits end with my symptoms just like most of us... everyday is like groundhog day and although I am trying to sort everything out it just seems like I am missing something.

Any advice would be appreciated.


16-09-05, 21:08
I have had the hot feeling on my legs when they are cold to touch but feels hot. My mom suffers from the hot burning in her feet. I do however feels spots that feel hot inside but outside they are cold to touch.

Anxiety gives us feelings all over, hope this leaves soon.


16-09-05, 21:24
I have had this on my feet and head during a panic attack. It was a horrible feeling. I only had it during a proper panic attack though..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

april tones
16-09-05, 23:06
hi sadie, remember me? april. i have this i have a conditon called fibromylagia, its not life threatning. it isnt picked up on mri etc. i had normal mri. you did too if i remmber? love aprilx


16-09-05, 23:55
Hi Sadie,

I had this before my panic attacks kicked off but I knew nothing about stress symptoms at the time. It didn't bother me at all at the time.

I had a real burning / hot sensation that would always appear in the same place, on the outside of my left lower leg / shin.
At the time I just thought it was weird and thought nothing more of it. It just used to come and go. This went on for a few months.
Funny thing is that since the panic attacks etc I've hardly had it. Maybe all the chest pains etc took the limelight.
Suppose my body was telling me something at the time but I didn't know how to read the signs at the time. I just thought it was funny at the time until my body decided to up the ante.

I would try to ignore it personally.

All the best,

17-09-05, 09:24
Hi Saie,

I am painc free and high anxiety free. soemtimes I may get a little symptom and this is the time to keep a check on my thoughts.
I have had a virus this past week and feeling very low.
I got a symptom which I have never had befor, it was a burning sensation in the top of my leg, it was there for 2 days. I did think anxiety symptom and just ignored it. Talking to mother in law on the phon, she said I'v been unwell for to long, I should go to my Gp and he might send me to hospital for checks. My mind was racing [:O] oh my god was I that ill, what if shes right. The symptom went worse. I had to tell my thoughts to stop. I am ok, I have a virus which sometimes takes a while to go away, this IS an anxiety symptom. This was another learning cerve for me, showing me that if my thoughts are negativie and I think the worse, the anxiety sypmtom will get worse. This symptom has gone now.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

17-09-05, 09:29

I get these burning sensations a lot on different parts of my body,my face and top and side of head,my hands etc.Sometimes i rub them to try and get rid!!
They are something i can almost ignore now.
Your not alone,really common symptom of anxiety

Hunny x

17-09-05, 11:04
Thanks everyone,

I did eventually check the internet for these symptoms.... another anxiety site listed loads of different symptoms and this burning symptoms was one that was highlighted.

Thanks again.


19-09-05, 11:11
Hi Sadie

Yep, I've had this too, had one episode where it spread to the whole of my body, not a nice experience.
I mainly get it on the side of my head but try and ignore it.
Just another wonderful symptom of anxiety chuck!!

Take care

Elaine x

21-09-05, 20:19
Sorry everyone,

I am still experiencing these really strange burning symptoms which although can and are anywhere in my body.. seem to be especially at my right foot and leg and rising up to my lower back.

They are coming in waves and when I am at work not feeling particulary stressed at all...

I have been checking for inflamation or whatever but there is nothing there. Is this just anxiety or could it be something else?

It is just so strange and I dont understand why after all this time having experienced anxiety and having palpitations and etopic beats etc now to have this....

Could there be other reasons for this?

I have loads of different symptoms too at the moment and I dont know if they are all related or just anxiety... head feels strange/fuzzy at times, constant horrible tastes in my mouth, dizzy 0ff-balance feeling, muscles feel weak and crunching grating nosises at my nose...

Sorry to keep going on about this.


april tones
22-09-05, 23:34
hi sadie, did you read my post above? pm me and il explain xx


23-09-05, 19:32
Hi April,

I tried to PM you but somehow it wouldnt do it....

Can you tell me what it is you have and maybe I can see if its what I have been experiencing. I am starting to worry a little I have MS or an impending stroke as my leg and foot kind of went numb today and every so often I keep getting these burning sensations in my foot but they are also in my head or neck and move around my body.

Sorry for going on about this.
