View Full Version : Hello everyone.

13-07-09, 07:51
I am from the United States. I could not believe when I found this board. I am having troubles coping with my life. I am a Christian and have been since age 19, I'm 35 now. I was over 300 pounds and managed by faith to lose down to 180. I always had anxiety and worried about things incessantly, my biggest fear has come true. I had to have a tooth pulled back in February when it part of it broke off. I had such a great fear of tooth loss, well I've had to face it. I've had a few fillings and then my bite was off and I put myself under tremendous pressure. I was very active, walking an hour a day, I was in great shape. After facing tooth loss, I quit exercising. Now I feel like a nervous wreck all the time. My muscles in my calves are twitching like nuts and I have had IBS symptoms and other stuff. It is so hard to sit here and type with the feeling of bugs crawling in my legs. I have read so much information on the internet about twitching legs that my eyes are red and I've put myself through enough anxiety for one night.

If you are out there and are a Christian and struggle with this please message me, I need someone to talk to.

~ Lynne

13-07-09, 11:44
Time to take your life back.

Ok. You've faced your worst fear and had a tooth removed. Its been about 5 months and you've come thru it just fine. Nothing bad is going to happen to you on account of this tooth removal.

Now, remember all the things you did before February that were good for you, like all that walking? Time to go and start doing it again.

Physical activity is a great remedy for anxieties of all kinds.

Funky Mum
13-07-09, 11:58
Welcome Lynne :)

13-07-09, 17:07
Thanks guys! Before February I walked everyday, only took off 1 day and I never had problems like this with my legs, maybe once a month or less than that.