View Full Version : Help, i don't know what to do anymore :(

15-09-05, 21:05
So I go to the doctors today. I hadn't gone in nearly probably more then two years and so I got a full workup. I had some blood taken (have to wait a bit for results) I had my blood pressure taken,It was good. My temp was taken, that was good. And at last the EKG. I went into the office with anxiety, I was nervous about them possibly finding something wrong, and so I had a bit of an attack. The EKG results read that my heart beat was fast. Apparently this concerned the doc who said its because of smoking that my heart beat is so fast. I didn't really talk to her until the end about the possibitly of it being anxiety. She was dead set on my quitting smoking, and wanted to send me to "smokers anonymous" Which is ridiculous. She also gave em a prescription for the patch to quit. I asked her if I was healthy, she said no. That freaked me out...My mother and father both bright people in the medical world, said that she was probably trying to scare me into quitting (That did seem to be her biggest concern at the moment) I don't know...I'm freaking out. What do I do? I feel so afraid...I don't know what to think I have anymore :( Is this anxiety? or do I now have some heart condition....I'm lost


15-09-05, 21:31
hi Shannon-
If you had a heart condition I am sure that the doc would have done something right then. It's probably that smoking is bad for you and it definitely doesn't help with the anxiety/panic. I am not telling you to quit because I am a smoker too and I have tried to quit a million times with no success.
It's up to you whether you quit or not.
If you need to talk just let me know
your friend,


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

15-09-05, 21:33
That doesn't seem fair of the doctor does it? Everyone knows smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it but believe me when you are anxious giving up smoking is really flipping hard! Sometimes it can be a life line, it certainly helps me chill out and the only time I've tried to give up I felt worse than I did when I was smoking! Did the doctor do anything about your anxiety? Have you asked them before about this? Perhaps you should see someone else, there's no way you shouldn't be getting treatment for your anxiety simply because you're a smoker!

Take care,
Roz x

'All I want is to be normally insane' Marlon Brando

16-09-05, 08:02
Sounds like the doctor was on a health promotion kick and not really listening to you at all.

As your parents will probably already have told you, having a faster than normal heart rate does not automatically signify heart disease as this is totally normal in anxiety.

If the EKG had shown anything up she would have acted on it and told you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-09-05, 13:02
Just another doctor who doesn't really listen and has never had a panic attack in his life.

I'm sure your heart is fine. My blood pressure goes sky high in the Doctors surgery and that's anxiety.


16-09-05, 13:35
Don't worry about it Shannon!! Sone doctors really are tactless, aren't they?

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-09-05, 14:17
hi shannon
i wouldnt worry about it to much as some doctors dont understand and really are tactless try to stay strong

There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part