View Full Version : Will I Get Better

13-07-09, 09:47
I have always suffered with anxiety/depression, my last bout was about 12 years ago. About 3 weeks ago I was overcome by panic attacks worse than I have ever experienced.

I tried to get over this episode without medication but it got to the point I couldn't cope anymore. I am currently on beta blockers and have been on fluoxotine for about a week and a half after thoughts in my head and coping with life like this seemed to much to cope with.

I thought I was improving and I know it takes a while for anti-depressants to kick in but the last 2 days I feel awful.
I am constantly wound up, cant relax and am panicking about something. I have this horrible ache in my head all the time that feels horrible. I just dont know what to do with myself but sit and cry.
The doctor said it would take at least 2-3 weeks for the tablets to work but I cant see an end to this. I cant leave the house, go to work or the shops. I just don't know what to do with myself. I worry about not being able to work as I have a mortgage.

Does anyone else feel like this or am i going insane.

13-07-09, 10:31
im going through the same thing at the moment so know how you feel. All i can say is that i have been told by many doctors and my pyshc that it takes time so we will both have to be patient. all the best

13-07-09, 10:41
Hi there

I am so sorry you feel terrible at the moment, but you WILL get better. The tablets take a while to work and can make you feel worse before you get better. Remember this is a moment in your life and you have been well for so long, so try and hold onto that.

Take care.

Jackie xx

13-07-09, 12:02
hey i felt exactly like this 8 weeks ago. i started taking st johns wort 4 weeks ago and they seem to have made me improve but not fully better. i promise you you will start improving bit by bit, the first thing i noticed was that i wasnt crying as much and then i started being able to stop having full blown panic attacks. how? just by not hyperventilating! just breathe through your nose and i promise after 3 minutes or so it helps. also my mum was in the worse state than me 3 yrs ago, she had a total nervous breakdown, she was prescribed fluoxetine and after 6 weeks she was fine. i promise be patient, she says prozac is a blessing lol. thats probabaly ehy so many ppl are on it. take care xxx

13-07-09, 13:03
Thank you for your replies. It has given me hope.

I hate worrying about everything, each day seems so long it feels like I've been like this for ages.

I watch everyone around me leading a normal life and just want to be like them again instead I'm stuck indoors scared to go out cos I feel so ill. The doctor has told me its anxiety/depression, the blood tests were clear - yet still my mind does its own thing!

13-07-09, 13:20
yes ur right, ur mind does do its own thing but thats the point. depression/anxiety happens for a reason. its stopping you from exhausting urself and having a heart attack or getting a serious illness, it stops u way before the chances of stress causing u a heart attack. it sounds weird but we should all be happy that it is this and not the more serious things that stress can cause. the mind is fantastic and complex, it will sort u out in its own way i promise. its awfull at the time but as u improve u can think back and think wowo that was me telling myself this.... i promise everything happens for a reason.

yesterday i had a severely down day i felt so low. today i now appreciate everything, just feeling not down today is appreciated. from yesterdays downer i have learnt that i need to do something to fill my time, perhaps look for a job, get a hobby something that i will enjoy. i am looking for something to enjoy today instead of looking for a bottle of tablets or anything to numb my mind. i think thats an improvement, it must be.

try and trust the greater plan! xx