View Full Version : Yes or No

formula buzz
13-07-09, 13:00
I am 23 years old and have suffered with anxiety for years but have allways stayed clear of medication.

Within the last 5 months though i have seemed to got a lot first but it feels different to me. i have problems thinking straight, memory does not seem great and i go though periods of confusion. i have therefore been worried i have some kind of problem with my brain but the doctors just say it is anxiety and given me these Citalopram to try.

thing is this feeling is different to anything before and the reason i have got my anxiety back is because of thinkin there is something wrong and the fact i feel confused a lot.

i am not sure if i should start on these 20mg tablets i have been given as if this is just anxiety then it needs to be sorted. Are the feelings i have been getting just another part of anxiety?

13-07-09, 18:14
Your symptoms are all symptoms of anxiety .Is there any specific reason you are anxious? .No one like s to take medication but they can help you get well combined with techniques to relax and some sort of therapy.20mg is quiet a lot to start on,Try 10mg to start for a week and see how you are .They may make you feel more anxoius to start but it will pass.Good luck Sue x

formula buzz
13-07-09, 18:34
So would i need to chop the tablet in half then and have a half each day?

people say to me it is just anxiety but i have had anxiety for years and its never felt this strange before.

Has anyone else ever had feelings of there mind going?

13-07-09, 18:39
Yes you would need to break it in half,but you can get 10mg tabs.I thought I was going crazy with my anxiety ,you arent alone there.I feel so much better now,in many ways. Sue x

13-07-09, 20:16
Hi mate, some of the most common signs of anxiety are confusion, poor memory and poor confusion. Anxiety is stressful and scary, it is difficult to think rationally when you are in that situation. People do all kinds of silly things when their minds are occupied!

I have experienced anxiety all my life but nothing like what I've gone through over the last 4 months. Everything seems strange and different but it does get better if you keep fighting, it is possible to go back to normal.