View Full Version : mums going on hoilday scared to be alone

13-07-09, 17:12
my mum has been great over the last 6 months but she is going on hoilday friday and im really scared of being on my own for a week. i feel i cant tell her as she deserves a break, i have been a real handful. I am 26 and sound like a child i know, but since my anxiety an d depression started in january it has completely changed me. from 17 i ran my own home and always been very independant now i feel like a child again.

13-07-09, 23:19
hey im 23 and also have my own home away from my parent for almost 3 yrs. since my anxiety started 8 weeks ago, i havent been able to go home and im staying with my parents. they make me feel safe, especially my mum. its like if she is there, anything that happens to me can be sorted out by her. she is my safety net. well friday night she came in from work and told me that her and my dad were going away for the night. oh my! i started crying and panicking so bad. i seriously couldnt cope without her being here but didnt want her to stay with me cus id have only felt guilty if she hadnt gone. due to that on friday, ive had a very anxious and depressed weekend, even once she had come back. all night i kept thinking that something bad was going to happen, i was going to stop breathing and not know what to do.

the point is that my CBT has been telling me i need to face my fears and this is one that i probably would have never done on my own. i had to have this forced on me in order to do it. im not going to lie and say i slept well and everything was fine, but the point is that nothing bad happened.

its horrible i know, she has told me she is gunna go away for another night again in 2 weeks time. she has given me the choice to go with her if it makes me feel better. im hoping by then i will feel brave enough to have another night without her.

weird isnt it how when we are scared we retreat back to childish ways.

hope you get a bit braver regarding this.

x :hugs:

14-07-09, 00:33
I feel exactly the same. I am 26 and rely on my mum far too much. Im still livin wit my parents due to finances but since my anxiety came back full force last august my mum has been the only person to get me through it as she went through the same thing when she wos younger. Anyways mum and dad are goin on holiday for a week in august and i am dreadin it. One, cause i worry about my health so much i worry somethin will happen, and two cause i will worry so much about them when they are away. My job finishes the week before they go so i am goin to be in the house alone al day and i am so worried my thoughts will go into overdrive and i wont be able to cope. So i know how you feel. x