View Full Version : Head pressure

13-07-09, 17:13
Does anyone else get head pressure when anxious? What causes this?

13-07-09, 20:13
Hi there,
Yes. Head pressure or a constant headache that will not go away even with medication is one of my many physical symptoms of anxiety.
Check out the column on the left of this site for 'Symptoms'.
Its very useful to learn that what you suffer with is common and nothing to be afraid of.

Take care,

13-07-09, 20:42
i get it when i am not even anxious (well when i dont realize it) . it feels like my head is on an airplane or an elevator. i had this for weeks on end before it went away. i hated it.

13-07-09, 20:43
I have a sort of heavy feeling in my head or vibrating


14-07-09, 03:26
most likely caused from tension...i get it starting from my shoulders, into my neck, and up into my skull area...its nothing to worry about in and of itself, just a symptom...

try to see if the pain originates from anywhere...massage work. chiropractic, and stretching might be all you need...

15-07-09, 15:47
Thanks for all the replies.
108 - I have noticed that mine also starts in my shoulders and then into my neck, and up around my ears. I also get a weak chest feeling when it happens...that is the best way to explain it.

15-07-09, 16:17
yep - feels like my head is going to explode. I also get neck and shoulder pain. When i move my shoulders they crack :-(

15-07-09, 18:19
Well I am glad I am not the only one....Do y'all get it even when your not panicky or overly anxious?

15-07-09, 19:19
i get funny head feelings even when i dont think im anxious! its annoying and you sort of learn to ignore it has such, but then when u do think about it and notice it again sets of my anxiety all over again. cant give u any advice for how to get rid of it (sorry)!!! just another one of the symptoms we have to deal with!! yippee lol. take care debs. xx

15-07-09, 19:25
I sometimes get sort of head waves if that makes sense..like heaviyness or pressure that comes over in waves like if you could see it,it would be like front to back whoosht..it's rather odd.

15-07-09, 19:38
i know exactly what you mean, (good description)!!!! its very strange isnt it. xxxx

15-07-09, 22:16
Hi there
I get the same thing would love to know what the hell it is ....if you find out can you let me know ....
cheers mike

16-07-09, 09:02
Does anyone have any tips for reducing it. I had a very bad day with anxiety on Tuesday and calmed down a lot yesterday but I'm still feeling a little anxious and the head pressure/headachey feeling is really annoying (especially when I'm trying to forget about the anxiety and there's this pain that won't let you!)

16-07-09, 20:14
Dont i know that feeling, got it now. My forehead aches too.

27-07-09, 04:47
i get its alll the time. non-stop.

gonna get myself one of these to try. http://www.paramountzone.com/orgasmatron.htm

i have noticed that massaging my forehead, temples or scalp does help and a shower can relieve it for an hour, maximum.

Makes me feel dizzy and unbalanced too.

29-07-09, 17:14
Yep, been getting these. Sometimes it's just what I call a "dull head". Kind of pressure and a feeling of general lethargy. Sometimes I get a particular pain, often just briefly but frequent.

The other day I had an actual headache, but that may have been the weather.

Today I've got neck pains when I turn my neck and I can feel that running up the back of my skull and it's like the kind of cold/flu kind of headache feeling.

I've been getting all kinds of aches this week. Lower back and neck / head mostly. Thing is though, I'm not anxious, my heart rate is normal, and I've had exercise, relaxing baths and plenty of relaxing sleep and feel generally relaxed. Just seems my body is either still tense or reacting from being tense for a long time perhaps.

Seems to be very hard to convince the mind/body that it should actually be relaxed.