View Full Version : Feeling Very Very Tired

16-09-05, 15:03
Since yesterday i have been feeling very very tired, normally my energy isnt that good but i just cant cope with this im knackered all the time feel as if i want to go to bed!

I went to the doctors last wednesday about my chest pains and shortness of breath she said it was not a blood clot in the lungs but she did say if i was very clapped out and had shortness of breath and chest pains then i could have one.

Well now my breathing seems ok my peak flow is up and down i get some chest pains but im feeling very clapped out so i start worrying about a blood clot again :(

The doc did say i have no risks for a blood clot in the lungs such as pregnancy, being elderely or had any bad operations or been on any long journeys but im worried again and i have never felt as tired as this before my eyes sting and hurt and i feel quite dizzy as well like im going to hit the floor i wish i could get some energy from somewhere!

16-09-05, 15:34
uch i feel the same exact way as you... lol but of course I had a different fear, not blood clots. But I think that just goes to show we have the same thing, and it has to be anxiety... Anyway, i hope you feel better... I am getting through the day by drinking cold water, and splashing my face with cold water. I think sometimes we get ourselves so worked up, then our bodies are just so tired afterwards. But of course that tired feeling causes more panic... Its a vicious circle. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon... and just know you are not alone in this.

16-09-05, 15:37
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

I went to the doctors last wednesday about my chest pains and shortness of breath she said it was not a blood clot in the lungs but she did say if i was very clapped out and had shortness of breath and chest pains then i could have one.

<div align="right">Originally posted by andrewjdavid2005 - 16 September 2005 : 15:03:23</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You would have thought that after saying this to you she offered to get you referred to hospital for a quick scan to check for clots. Not very responsible of her was it?

Perhaps you are a bit run down. If you feel tired then take a nap for a few hours - nothing wrong with that. We all get overtired at times.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-09-05, 16:45
I get this at times Andrew for no particular reason - I think it's quite common amongst anxiety sufferers..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-09-05, 17:02
Hi Andrew,
Tiredness is a big part of anxiety, being anxious uses a lot of energy. Try to keep yourself busy and then it does seem to pass.
take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"