View Full Version : Swine Flu and the media

13-07-09, 18:55
Hey to my fellow HA sufferers,

Well if your anything like me, you will be just loving the Swine Flu coverage on the news/web/papers at the moment! NOT!

Its scary isn't it, because its in our face all the time, and when someone dies, they make a huge huge story out of it, especially when its someone healthy.

I guess there is no real point to this thread other then to voice what we are all feeling.

Lets remember that its very rare that complications will occur. That the media will sensationalise anything.

Lets use the forum as an outlet for fears, worries and concerns, and speak openly about whats bothering us, and support each other as and when.

Hugs to you all


13-07-09, 18:58
I know just how you feel. Have just read that a six year old girl has died. My son is six years old and there is a suspected case at his school. It is scary and no-one seems to know what will happen if it mutates.What will be will be.Stock up on paracetamol and calpol before the panic starts!!

13-07-09, 19:13
Hi everyone

Haven't been on here for some time as I have been feeling lots better. The panic attacks and agorophobia were still in the background but not taking over my life like they used to......That is until friday when someone without any 'underlying health problems' died and now there appears to be two more.

So not only am I panicking big time I'm seriously considering not going out again which would be disastrous for the agorophobia. I am so confused by all the media hype. One minute it is nothing but a mild attack and the next it is going to be as bad if not worse than the 1918 pandemic.

This whole thing about people sneezing and using tissues, bining them and washing their hands just isn't going to happen. I was at the vets today and the receptionist suddenly sneezed several times into her hand cos she didn't have time to do anything else and then she carried on filling in our appointment card etc. The vet was sneezing even more again without a tissue. In their defense there just isn't time to 'catch' every sneeze and they would have needed to wash their hands about ten times in every few minutes so this piece of advice is not practical.

This is all mega scarey.

13-07-09, 19:39
I hate all this!!! I had normal flu last dec/jan and I kept thinking something was seriously wrong then but if I get this I will be really panicking like crazy. I can't stop thinking about it, its in the papers,on the TV and the internet. The deaths are very low at the moment but I keep seeing reports suggesting things will get even more deadly and I cant stop thinking about the fact I could die within 24 hours of a runny nose :( I wish I could carry on with everyday life but I cant its effecting my whole life. is this media hype? Health anxiety? or reality??



13-07-09, 21:20
I think all of us that suffer with HA are really worried about this, I know I am. I am just trying to not think about it but it is hard when its on all the news channels, papers etc.

13-07-09, 21:33
I too am finding the whole swine flu thing INCREDIBLY challenging and SO scarey. I work in a hospital, have severe emetophobia and diarrhoea phobia, health anxiety, depression........

I am having to fight the thoughts that tell me not to go to work, go out, go on the bus, meet people, have contact with anyone. On top of everything else I have to deal with I am getting to the point of having some VERY unhealthy and dangerous thoughts in my head about life in general. I truly cant cope with all of this....sounds pathetic I know.

Thank goodness for this forum:)

Thinking of you guys,


13-07-09, 21:56
I am very scared espelly with my kids.

14-07-09, 09:30
After months of near normality this has plunged me right back into the depths. Can't eat, can't sleep, barely function at work for worry, bowels all over the place. Two little kids depending on me and all I can do is worry about losing them to this damn flu. I wish to God I'd never got involved with anyone, let alone started a family. There's really no such thing as normality for me anymore. There will always be something like this lurking around the corner and I wish more than anything else that I'd never been born in the first place. My advice to all single people with HA/GA out there: stay single, you've got enough to worry about. And if you've got a partner but no kids, stay that way, reduce the worry.

Sorry to sound negative but right now I don't think I'll ever be positive again.

14-07-09, 16:06
Hey thanks mate

I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant so the advice on not having kids to reduce worry is a bit late. I'm only joking.

I'm in a high risk group cos I'm pregnant and I work in a hospital and am emetophobic, but we have to try and maintain some proportion here. The deaths are what sticks in our minds, but people die EVERY year from flu, we just don't hear about it. The media is driving us all insane. Yes there is a need for information but sensationalising it like this is no good at all, especially for those with HA like me.

I have come to the conclusion that even tho I'm in a high risk group, along with lots of others, there is no point in worrying myself to death the high blood pressure is probably more harmful to my unborn child. Most people recover without anti virals, and although it makes you feel awful it is no worse than normal flu, or so they say. There is nothing we can do but practise good hygiene and try to be sensible. A sniff, or two does not mean you have swine flu. Cold and flu feel quite different, and lets face it we'll get through this then it'll be norovirus all over the papers again!!!!!

14-07-09, 16:27
Is this a situation where fears might be calmed by going to the UK equivalent of the US Centers For Disease Control website and reading about what kind of non event (at least it is/was in the US) the Swine Flu "epidemic" is concerned?

Appeals to experts like this work to reduce my fears - I recognize its a slippery slope, but I think governmental health organizations are reliable.

14-07-09, 20:18
my neighbour 4 doors up has got swine flu now so it creeps ever closer :weep: .
I am soooooooooooooooo worried....anxiety levels are off the scale.


dawn rose
17-07-09, 20:25
im trying my hardest to keep a lid on my stress over swine flu i was doing ok until itook dd to physio and doctors were cordened off coz a reported case of swine flu. my eldest dd who was with us is not hoarse and coughing im concerned incase she has it, although this was only 2 days ago we were in contact. its worrying me. ive been out of therapy since march so im having a bit of a wobble i suppose.

dawn rose
17-07-09, 20:26
on tyhe other side re pregnasncy i had flu when i was 36 weeks pregnant and very unwell but me and my daughter were fine.

17-07-09, 20:29

I posted this elsewhere but it perhaps should have gone here..

I find the BBC Website is very good at giving a balanced, non - sensationalised viewpoint

Hope people find this useful