View Full Version : help please endosocopy and biopsy

13-07-09, 19:47
please help mei have just come back from my hospital referral (seen a consultant because i constantly feel sick)and he said he will refrer me to have an endosocopy and some biopsies!!!!!i,m so so so scared.......he felt my stomach but i was so scared i didn,t want to ask him if he felt anything!!!!OMG i can,t believe this i,m meant to be going on our first family holiday in august how the hell am i gonna look forward to a holiday with all this going on!!!
i,m so sorry
if anyone can help i really would be grateful

13-07-09, 20:09
Hey ceecee

Thats great that you are having some tests done. Did your consultant say when you could expect to have the endoscopy?

Where are you going on holiday?

Big hugs

13-07-09, 20:19
I'm having an gastroscopy on thursday afternoon so will let you know what it is like - I had one 5 yrs ago and it was fine the sedation worked wonders and I hope the sedation is as good this time around. They always take biopsies while they are in there to check for h pylori infection which can cause ulcers and reflux - i had this done last time or so I was told. they can also take biopsies of your duodenum which is first bit after your stomach to check for coeliac disease as well.

I have been told to have my last food 6 hrs before test and then i can drink clear drinks like apple juice until 2 hrs before test.

I am also not looking forward to the proceedure but having just had a hysteroscopy with biopsy ( camera in womb) without even a local aneathetic I hope it won't be as bad as that was!

14-07-09, 09:52
Hi I have had 3 colonoscopy's with sedation and the sedation is great.You will not really know what is happening,please believe me,you will be fine.:hugs:

17-07-09, 17:47
thank you all for your replies!!!!!:D
i,ve had an appointment through already for the 29th of july(my daughters 18th birthday!!!!!)
so will be glad to get it over with really though i,m really nervous!!!!!
countrygirl i hope all went ok yeasterday please let me know how it went if you can
thanks again guys

17-07-09, 23:05
Hi Rach
I had an endoscopy a few months back. They usually spray the back of your throat with this bitter banana flavoured spray which numbs your throat. They then stick a tube down, you will gag and I will be honest, its not pleasant, but its fairly quick - I'm presuming they will do the biopsy at the same time.
I was diagnosed with esophogitis. acid reflux and a hiatus hernia. I've been on meds since and feel a lot better (I felt sick and had horrific heartburn for months).
Hope all goes well - I'm sure you will be fine - try not to worry.
