View Full Version : husband has depression - terrified of how to cope

13-07-09, 19:50
My husband has been very very down lately the last week he hasnt even got out of bed to go to work, this morning he just started uncontrollably crying in the end I had to make an emergency appointment with our gp and take him up. I even had to go in with him because he was to upset to say anything. He cried the whole time we were there.

The result of it is anyway that he has tablets (citalopram?) and he is off work for three weeks (well doctor said it will probably be alot more but start at three and see how it goes).

I am totally terrified, I have been feeling ok with panic attacks lately but now I am completely overwhelmed. My husband has never so much as got me a drink to help with my anxiety because he thinks I "just need to relax" but the last few weeks I have had to practically encourage him to eat and he hasnt lifted a finger with our three kids (all under 5).

I know that he feels bad and I love him so I want to help him get better but the thought of caring for him as he is now for a few weeks let alone longer send me into a waves of anxiety! I have NO family to help apart from my sister- I just spoke to her and she outright said NO which has upset me quite alot since I looked after her after my mum died and my dad married a witch of a woman who hated her. She is only 3 years younger than me so that in itself was hard as I was only 18 at the time.

I dont know why I am posting this I cant really moan about this anywhere else as I know it sounds so selfish to be worrying about my own anxiety while he is feeling like this but I cant help it I just feel so overwhelemd - just need some reassurance that it will be ok - at the moment I just feel like I need to fight back tears thinking about the future.
