View Full Version : hi eveyone

14-07-09, 00:33
hi im debbie, im 28 and suffer health anxiety and depression. ive been suffering about 9 months now. i have 2 daughters and a boyfriend i adore. hes great about all my "problems" but it gets to him sometimes which makes me feel more alone sometimes. im learning to cope quite well, i also suffer panic attacks which i can get through on my own now without running out the door to a friends to try and calm me. im glad ive came across this site, hopefully i can make some new friends that understand how hard it actually is to live with these feelings!! i get so many strange sensations in my head, and elsewhere in my body which obviously heightens the anxiety and panics cuz i always think its a deadly illness or something. and the worse thing is just feeling weird and lightheaded i really hate that feeling and it really does frighten me that im dying or something. and the thought of leaving my kids scares me so much that all the symptoms get worse!! feels like you are fighting a never ending battle of a vicious circle!!

Veronica H
14-07-09, 07:33
:welcome: Debs. You will find comfort and great support here.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Glad you have found us. This will get better.


14-07-09, 08:07

welcome to NMP. I recently joined this site and have found it really helpful and reasurring.
Suffering with anxiety and depression is horrible but it is nice to be able to make friends with people that understand.

14-07-09, 10:40
hi all im claire 27 years old suffering very bad with anxiety constant headaches and so many strange sensations i dont know where to start hence me being at docs at least once a week . have 3 kids and want to get better for there sake if nothin else just wish i could convince myself all these things are just anxiety.

14-07-09, 22:48
hi claire, i know exactly what you mean about getting better for the kids sake. its so hard sometimes to convince yourself that what you are feeling is anxiety isnt?!!!!
thanks everyone for your welcomes and kind words, take care all. xx