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14-07-09, 01:27

I've looked in the questions thread, and through the User CP and used the search, but i still can't seem to find how to delete my account?

Would it be possible for an admin to do this for me?


14-07-09, 02:55
Hi Nov,

I will be able to close your account, per forum rules, in 24 hours. If I can be of assistance to you in any way please pm me.

Take care,


15-07-09, 16:43
Account deleted per request.

Laura xxx

30-07-09, 20:07

ive been searching to close my account as i seem to be the cause of most of the problems at the moment, and best laugh is i dont even know why. I stood up for what i believed in, i.e. didnt like vunerable people being manipulated and now been called for everything. Im so sorry to ju and dc who where in chat as i dont really think it was fair on you to witness such childish behaviour and for my part in the argument i apologise to lisa and tet to I have to stick by my beliefs here people and i cant be apart of something where these kind of childish antics go on. I am not a nasty person i never have been never will be and i really do not have anything to be jealous of as most of my real friends on her know.

I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone thats helped me over the past year and a bit and im so glad to have met so many wonderful kind caring people and to the mods and admin who all do a fair and fantastic job. I would never have got through a lot of moments without a lot of people, stace, heidi, joan, mo, bumbles, so many to mention and i genuinely thank u all with all my heart, u all have so much to give.

I wish all of the members a speedy recovery and i wish this site so much for the future cos without places like this people like me would be scuppered.

take care all and a huge thank you to all.

take care

tiggs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-07-09, 20:15

You don't need to close your account over this. I assume the problems were in chat ?

Stay away from chat and concentrate on this forum if you think that will be better for you.

Don't leave though ok?

30-07-09, 20:18
Hi Tiggs,
Sorry you're thinking of leaving. Nic is right, just stay out of chat for a little while and have a think.
Im really sorry you had probs there, Ive not been in chat for a while so dont know what happened but please reconsider.
Take care,
Carol x

30-07-09, 20:26
Aw tiggs mate u are a beautiful person so helpful and popular, u are never nasty and i have always seen u be nothing but kind to ppl.......I can understand why u want to leave hun coz of how u have been made to feel of late etc...but i wish u wouldnt leave....
but i know how all this has been effecting u etc and i know u dont wanna come into chat if there gonna be rows...which is a very adult way of thinking hun ....just dont seem fair...but am here as ur friend always here and out in the real world too, love ya xxxxxxxxx

30-07-09, 20:55
To a special friend Tigger you are a lovely a so helpful and popular friend to a lot of us you have not got one nasty bone in your body. I can understand were you are coming from I know how you feel and can understand what it is doing to you. You have helped so many people in chat and you will be such a loss to chat but you have got to think of yourself.
You were the one person that I hit it of with when I first joined NMP in January of this year I new if I had a problem and was panicking I could come onto chat and you would help me out and put everything into prospective. or if you were not on chat I could pick up the phone and you would be there for me. It does not seem fair that you should leave. I am here and we will stilll remain very good friends even though you might not be on nmp.
I think NMP should start looking at the people that are joining them and the way some people are being manipulated and that is all I am going to say about that part.
Speak to you soon

Love you loads Joanxxxxx:hugs: :hugs:

30-07-09, 20:58
I think NMP should start looking at the people that are joining them and the way some people are being manipulated and that is all I am going to say about that part.

I think that is a bit unfair to be honest. How can we possibly do that?

I have one simple solution to the problem and that is to shut chat but no-one wants that either!

Aren't we all adults here and responsible for our own behaviour?

30-07-09, 21:10
sorry to hear the chatroom is still hostile ,as i have stopped using it the forum offers great advice just shame the chatroom comes across as intimidating and needs to be looked as as many are unhappy just now

30-07-09, 21:15
NMP is here to support members who are suffering with anxiety and anxiety related conditions.

We are NOT here to referee childish arguments that should be settled in private!

All mods and admin are here on a voluntary basis and put alot of time and work into running the forum and chat room.

Please take outside issues where they belong and keep NMP for what it is truely intended!



30-07-09, 21:26
Tigg hunny i am so grateful to have the pleasure in meeting such a genuine person as you , the help u have given me in the past is so large i will never be able to repay the debt to you , i wish u would reconsider but i can see the reasons why u feel u need to leave now ,its such a damn shame hun it really is im so gutted,as for the msn u sent me dont think that what u said in it has caused me any trouble because it hasnt ok,u are one of the most kindest,honest and geniune people i know and the loss of u as a member will leave a massive gap in alot of peoples lives ,what u did u had to do hun and i know u have your reasons but no one will think any less of you for this so please dont think that.
Right me Wifeyyyyyy im gonna shurrup now cos im cryin but please dont forget us matey we are all here for u as u have been for us

Love Ya Tigg

h xxxxxxxxxxxx

30-07-09, 21:36
If something happens and chat room rules are broken, report it and it will be dealt with.
If it's a personality conflict and some can't get along, don't talk to each other.
Simple as that.

No reason to leave or call for changes to chat.
Everyone isn't going to be best friends, that is just not plausible!

30-07-09, 22:31
I've never noticed any animosity in chat but maybe I dont use it enough.

The other morning I came in and asked for help I recieved nothing but kindness and understanding and it really helped me through a rough time when I had nowhere else to turn or talk to.

Maybe if someone is feeling vulnerable its best not to use the facility. I know when someone came in asking about suicide I had to leave because I found it far too upsetting and not something I was mentally able to cope with at the time.

I think you have to assess how you're feeling at the time and how you'd react if something was said that would upset you and use it accordingly.

It helped me anyway is all I can say.

30-07-09, 23:46
Ok, just a couple of things I want add.
Chat is an added bonus to this site and if these kind of squabbles keep reoccuring sooner or later, it will be closed. If the main chat room goes then the help room will go as well..I have used the help room twice, if that hadn't been there for me in time of crisis, I'm not sure if I would be here.

I'm not the type to follow rules that aren't necessary (:winks: ) but on a site like this, they are vital and we have to click the "rules" box every time we enter chat so we should be aware of what to do if there is a problem.

There are plenty of mods in chat and there reason for being a mod is to help things run smoothly, any problems then that is what they are there for. If you don't see eye to eye with a particular mod then contact someone else or one of the admin.
It's human nature that we won't get on with everybody and we have the option to ignore those that seem to be winding us up.

I use chat because I need to be able to talk to people who know exactly how I feel when I'm struggling or who are there for me when I'm in crisis..I also want to be there for them to reciprocate the favour they have done for me.

Please lets not lose sight of what chat was set up for. :hugs:

30-07-09, 23:50
going miss you tigger your a good laugh

and lady as for the room being hostile your wrong its dos a lot of good in there as you know

31-07-09, 01:02

I have given this some thought, and as someone who has experienced many an argument in chat over my time ( and seen it closed down once before) on the site and witnessed the distress it has caused users and admin alike, I would ( and I know this is going to be controversial), temporarily shut the chat room down.

BUT before you all go crazy at me, there are in my own opinion valid reasons for this: It allows people time to think about what they have. Chat is about respect. (And yes I've forgot my place a few times) It's about respect for each other and ourselves. We all have a responsibility over how we choose to communicate. Its not about denying users of the site its about affording time for some reflection.

It's about taking the time to understand the needs of others as well as yourself. Chat is a two way street I have seen a few fantastic users of the site choose to leave due to some antics in chat and that is beyond unfortunate.

I would never diminish anyones issues or problems on here or how it makes you feel ( remember I too suffer) HOWEVER I do not believe those issues are ever a reason or excuse for being disrespectful, rude or discourteous to others.

As a general rule we are mostly adults that go into chat. In an ideal word we shouldn't even need moderators. Should we? And how often do we actually read the rules of chat before clicking on that box to enter. Bet its almost never. Wouldnt it be wise to give ourselves a regular refresher?

In my own experience as fantastic a part of the site as chat can be, it also the part that causes the most distress and argument and is most commonly abused by SOME site users.

Like many of you...this site has proved to be a lifeline for me at times. It's been a source of support, comfort, reassurance and since Nic booted my backsiode about drinking redbull on my introductory post. I owe NMP for being redbul sober for the entire time of my membership.

So yes, and with no intent to offend or distress those site users who do feel they use chat properly, I do believe a close down period for reflection isnt a bad idea at all.

I genuinely wish you all well and that no one leaves.

Pooh x

31-07-09, 01:31
The way forward for chat is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
There will always be heated arguments/discussions because we all have a view point but if its a personal issue concerning two or more individuals, then best they dont talk to each other. Again if its abuse REPORT it to the admin team and it will be dealt with.

Chat is a vital part for many on here but closing it down because of a few bad apples is maybe not the best but I see pooh's point of view on this. I have not been in chat for ages so I am not sure if there is an ignore button so people can not see what an abusive person is writing.

I would not like to see someone leave because of what others have said in chat and many times its said in the heat of the moment. I am sure all things can be resolved but if not I know a man in a black leather jacket that can sort out the individuals (it will cost lol)

But seriously we all come on here to support each other and get support, so lets obey the rules of chat or stay out of chat

31-07-09, 10:01
The chat room is of great benefit to lots of people.
At the end of the day we are all adults, not everybody is always going to get on, life isnt like that! Incase anyone hasnt noticed there is an ignore button that can be pressed, if you dont want to talk to someone dont,if you have a problem with someone take it to pm do it privately, chat doesnt need closing people just have to remember its there to support each other not cause each other more anx.

31-07-09, 14:29
I feel people need to grow up; I came to this site as I heard that it was good at helping people. Now it’s just a big mess.

I don’t care if people take offence at what i'm about to say, but i’m p****d off with seeing the same people fighting it out on a place where people come to get help.

And its not just here, it’s now spilled over to facebook and msn. I never came to this site to be involved in fights that are like the ones that happen in primary school.

All these threats off people coming to get others irl just because of words said to them on a screen is pathetic.

If you want to fight, do it elsewhere as people don’t want to be involved in this crap anymore. Having row's might be a good distraction to you, but maybe you could just take a step back and think what its doing to the people that are hear for real help.

I have seen that there are groups of people on this site that stick together and fight with other groups, I have seen people not being included and even ignored by people because they see this chat room as their own little place, and that person is butting in to the convo, I have been a victim of this myself, but at the end of the day, if you want your own little group, create your own social website or msn group.

Nicola and the mods and admins, have done a great service by still running this site, if it had been me I would have just shut it down, mainly for the fact that what’s the point in trying to create a place that’s here to help people in their time of need, when at times it turns into a child’s playground.

Cut it out and grow up, and please if you feel offended by what I have said don’t go throwing threats at me, a threat made online is just as bad as a threat made irl in the eyes of the law, and nobody has the right to make somebody feel like they now need to live their life in fear.

This post has been automatically edited by the NMP post filter

31-07-09, 14:50
Thankyou acorn every thing you have said is very valid wish i had worded it that way myself.its disgusting what is going on on facebook on the back of this

31-07-09, 15:18
I once went into the chat room and I was the only one in there, but I was so boring I had to put myself on ignore :wacko:

31-07-09, 15:31
I was going to meet you in there for a chat that day Mick, but I was too busy watching paint dry ;)

Right, not sure what went on, and don't really care.

But I will tell you this, if there is hassles in chat that continue, I know Nic will have it shut down because she does not need the stress (and who could blame her). So if you value chat, think about it when you are in there.

People will have friends they know in there and chat alot to them, there is nothing wrong with that, but everyone should be welcomed and if someone does have a question, we should all make sure this is addressed.

There is clear rules about chat, and if someone does break them, then they will be subject to possible exclusion (temporary or otherwise), regardless if who they are, who they know, how popular they are etc, in there, everyone is equal.

As for facebook, this has nothing to do with NMP and childish fights should not be brought onto NMP, forum or chat.

I really have to say, from what little I do know, people have to step back and have a word with themselves, I really cannot understand why people are even motivated to carry this on?

Now it's Friday, so lets just all chill, take a deep breath, and knock all this silly stuff on the head.



31-07-09, 16:08
I don't think Tigger should leave. I don't think anyone has to leave.


31-07-09, 16:15
Agreed Blondy (man it hurts agreeing with you)

31-07-09, 16:16
Lmao....Now that doesn't happen very often!! :roflmao:

31-07-09, 17:49
I've only been a member of NMP for 4 months - it has given me extraordinary support in ALL ways as I deal with probably the biggest crisis of my life. I am supported by people at my times of need, by people in their times of need. I've not been in chat very often; once was to get some help and within seconds I was into a help room and "Tetley Bev" did her thing. Without the room there in the first place that accessability would not have been available to me. Likewise others.

I for one got anxious this morning when the site was down for a while. I would selfishly be deeply disapointed if Nic and admins felt they had to close what is I believe a key element of NMP; for which admins etc sometimes have a high price to pay with their own distress at sorting out difficulties that arise.

I am however totally ignorant of what has happened or what happens sometimes. And therefore have little to offer here. But the quiz on a Saturday night is now something I look forward to and I enjoy the "banter" that occurs during that time with the likes of Jaco, Lisa, Nic, Alex at al.

At the end of the day we all arrive at NMP for needs specific to the site. This is not facebook or equivalent. This is an extraordinary facility created by brave people to help others in need. Sometimes I pop on at different times of the day and see regular faces in the chat who clearly use the room as they are housebound or whatever.

I have nothing but admiration for Nic and her entire team. Please ride the storm all of you. For those of us with less courage you are indeed our lifelines in so many ways. Liam

31-07-09, 19:37
nice message will x

31-07-09, 20:03
yep, I agree with Will, good posting mate :D

31-07-09, 22:19
Thanks Will lovely post.

We do have fun in quiz on a Saturday and the thanks for that goes to Lisa who writes the quiz most weeks and believe me it is not that easy to do lol

31-07-09, 23:35
NO NO NO whats everyone thanking Will for it was ME ME ME that wrote the post that allowed him to write his post in response to my post tut tut people LMAO

Pooh x

31-07-09, 23:35
Pooh? Pooh who? ;)

31-07-09, 23:42
What are you on about Pooh?

31-07-09, 23:57
Exhaustion the toughest working week ive ever had and talking drivel just about sums me up at the mo Nic LOL Will wrote a fantastic post :D

01-08-09, 00:00
You said he stole it from you?

01-08-09, 00:15
I was having a wee laugh he didnt steal it from me, I didnt say that I inferred that he stole my thunder that inferance being made purely for comedic effect. It wasnt my intention to diminsh the sincerity of anything he said or the thanks extended it was simpley my sense of humour which appears to have missed the mark somewhat yikes! :D


01-08-09, 09:35
I got where you was coming from Pooh ;)

01-08-09, 09:41
Go eat honey Pooh... I was smiling at your post immediately... it was only ongoing that I saw Nic had missed the dryness of your humour... totally understand. Look at the amount of messages et al she has to cope with at speed and this "hicup" in chat will have shaken her usual strength and resolve for the mo. Rally round nmp. Back out of Eeyore's gloomy patch. Quiz tonight! Nick put it together I think! :-)

01-08-09, 10:13

Good luck in the Quiz! Ive never won it hrmmphh. LAughed hysterically at Jaco's comments, but never won. Enjoy!

Pooh :D x

01-08-09, 10:34
That's how Jaco wins the quiz every week...while you are all laughing at him, he's answering the questions :shades:

01-08-09, 10:38
Damn, found out lol

magpie girl
01-08-09, 14:20
NMP thats exactly what this site does,ive only been a member for a few months but it instantly feels like coming home:) I have found being able to just pop into the chat room a relief,as some times all we need is a little company and good advice.theres no waiting list like the NHS or pills shoved your way just friendly people with the advice and reasurance you need there and then.I have said this before,this site has saved my sanity and gave me a great big torch to shine in my tunnel :blush: :blush: I LOVE YOU GUYS :blush: :blush:

01-08-09, 14:20
Soz I missed that one lol. Pooh knows I love her :winks:

01-08-09, 14:50
That's how Jaco wins the quiz every week...while you are all laughing at him, he's answering the questions :shades:

Huh don't you go sticking up for him now Mick......he NEVER wins the quiz on account of being too busy making fun of me with that Alex aka boss man one!!! Tut!! The pair of them should be on the stage you know!!.......Yes cleaning it of course!! lmao

P.s i love them really!