View Full Version : I should be happy, but.......

16-09-05, 18:16

I have been suffering with an upset stomach for a while now, probably about three or four weeks now. Nothing serious, just discomfort and minor stomach cramps. I went to the docs and he took blood to run tests. I'm sure he did this as I explained that I have really bad health anxiety. Said he was going to check for liver, kidney, thyroid and anemia. Anyway, got the results yesterday and they are all clear. But the digestive discomfort continues. It seems to be on the left side and fluctuates between roughly my appendix area, groin (oh, I'm now convinced I might have appendacitis) and under my left ribs. It feels like a stitch you get when you run a while. Could it be IBS?

I'm beginning to think that I might be turning into a hyperchondriac, seriously. But these niggling symptoms persist.

Really un-nerved......Can anyone please offer any reassurance?

16-09-05, 18:43
i get a similar feeling from time to time, it can last for a couple of days. Mine is also on the left side, low down. I did a search on the NHS site[Duh!] and it said that if if you pressed the sore area with the flat of your hand and there was no pain when it sprang back it was unlikely to be to do with your appendix, and prob more likely to be IBS.
Am not a health prof, but am sure Meg will be along later with some more advice for u. Apparently people can have a grumbling appendix for years with no worries.
good luck, and hope it gets better soon, kt xx

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

16-09-05, 20:24
Hi Roachford

I get similar pains on the left side due to IBS. Anxiety and stress makes this worse and anxiety can cause problems with an upset stomach.

The pains you are describing are on the wrong side for it to be your appendix.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-09-05, 20:46
These pains are pretty common amongst anxiety sufferers..I have had this feeling before. Mine went away alone after a few weeks..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-09-05, 22:26
Hi roach, I suffered years with tummy problems similar to yours and in the end I got referred to a gastro specialist who ordered me some tests including Blood, chest x-rays, barium enema and a sygmoidoscopy (but don’t know why the chest x-ray), After quite a long wait between waiting to see specialist and having all the tests they told me I had IBS, this was a big relief as I to suffer health anxiety and was convinced I had bowel cancer. The specialist said really I needed to have the barium enema and sygmoidoscopy to be 100% sure it was IBS as these tests rule out everything ells. But however IBS seems very common in anxiety sufferers and lots of tummy upsets and tummy pains so I don’t think really to much to worry about, but if you are really worried ask Doctor to send you to see a gastologist or for a barium enema and sygmoidoscopy. Take care. Vernon

20-09-05, 12:02
Hi guys.

Thanks for all of your kind words. Struggling on with this. I dont know whyI cantbe happy that the blood tests came back negative and that surely if the doctor thought there was anything to worry about, then he would have advised more tests. The stomach upset seems to be easing now and I just have real achey muscles down my left side. It suddenly feels very muscular orientated. I just wish I could feel normal again, the whole episode of twinges, pains and aches is really getting me down. 80 of me is sure that all of this is stress related, yet 20% of me is worried that there may be some other underlying cause. I'm relatively healthy, dont drink (too much), have never somked and generally try to keep myself in OK shape.

Am I ever going to be free of this crappy health anxiety???

20-09-05, 13:19

Try doing some stretches and walking to move along any sluggish gut products.

If its on your left side down low there is not much there specifically that can cause you immediate harm so its looking more likely to be general gut related.

Try making sure you're eating really healthily to give your gut a chance to right itself.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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