View Full Version : Anti-Depressants?

16-09-05, 19:39
Hi guys,

Just looking for a little advice. I have a doctors appointment on monday morning, and I feel that I want to have a go on anti-depressants to try and help me kick-start my life. I was on Propranolol for anxiety, although I feel it made no real difference. Should I ask to be put on anti-depressants, or wait to see if he puts me on them?

16-09-05, 19:46
Hey Gareth

I guess the question is do you think you are feeling "unwell" due to being depressed, or do you feel depressed because you feel "unwell". I know sometimes I feel the latter when it goes on for a time...

I personally don't like messing with the body chemistry unless I really need to. I've just been put on Beta Blockers for the second time to try to calm things down. After the last go - I went a fair few months without and was doing OK until I went through another stressful time.

I don't know if your doctor has the same, but mine has this quesionnaire of seemingly bizarre questions, but going by the answers you give, they are able to determine whether the root of the problem is anxiety or depression.

Hope the appointment goes OK.

Take it easy mate


16-09-05, 19:53
Thanks mate,

After my latest bout of health anxiety, it is not the physical symptoms that I am particularly concerned about. The real problem I now feel is that my constant negativity, mood swings, feeling the worst is going to happen and misery is affecting my life and therefore spiraling me into anxiety. In the past I felt that anti-depressants were a silly thing and I would rather do without, but now I feel that having them would maybe benefit myself over the next few months. I think it may be a good way to kick-start my life amd hopefully make me feel alot better, although I feel the doctor maybe reluctant to prescribe them to me.


16-09-05, 19:58
I think it is something that they don't like putting you on unless absolutely necessary...but I think it is important that you say all the things to your doctor that you just said in your reply.

It feels like a vicious circle sometimes doesn't it. You feel negative and moody coz of anxiety and then get more anxious and so it goes on.

Just tell your doc exactly how you feel - whether there are certain times of the day or certain situations when you feel worse, and hopefully they will help you.

Let us know how you go


16-09-05, 20:00
thanks mate, will do.


16-09-05, 21:22
Just be honest Gareth. Good luck with it all!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-09-05, 21:56
Hi Gareth,
Just go with what will be best for you and the way you feel, have a chat with the doctor and sort out the best way forward between you.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

april tones
16-09-05, 22:25
hi i havent been on here for ages so some of you wont remember me. hello all! gareth, you sound like me. i had severe depression, then panic attacks bad,obbsessive thoughts then pnd. i have started getting low agai lately and getting bad thoughts and negativity.
i get the sicky feeling in stomach and think something bads goona happen. its horrible isnt it. think its the world today, all murders,war etc. love april xx


16-09-05, 22:37
Hi Gareth, I didn’t want to go on antidepressants either because of all you hear about them, I suffer more anxiety and phobias than depression and did eventually go on antidepressants about 5 months ago. I now feel much better but don’t know if it’s the meds of just that I am getting better. Doctor prescribed me with a couple of different antidepressants at first and I read up and asked different peoples opinions on here and decided to ask for Cipralex and found they helped a lot of people with similar condition to me, they didn’t have any bad side effects and I also know people who have come off them without to much trouble. Anyway the decision is yours and some agree with some and not with others, they might even try you on different meds before they get the right one. Some do make you feel worst for the first few weeks but you have to give them 4 to 8 weeks to start working. Hope you feel better soon. Vernon

april tones
16-09-05, 22:41
hi vernon, i have been on seroxat,venaflaxine, both were good but have major side effects. has ciprelex got any serious ones on the list then? thanks


16-09-05, 23:45
Hi april. long time no see nice to see u again. Well I had no real bad side effects with cipralex, nor did new sarah, but the list that comes with them has a list, but dont all meds even over the counter neds? take care. Vernon

april tones
16-09-05, 23:56
hi vernon, i know but its this horrible feeling i get when about to take, i weas gonna take then my curiosity got better of me, silly as i took years ago! boards seem quiet tonight. im trying to answer loads of posts for people xx
