View Full Version : heavy legs /leg pain

14-07-09, 09:54
hello im having terrible leg pain had it for weeks now ,i feel like there not resting when im asleep and when i wake in the morning they feel really tight like ive rana marathon, i suffer from terrible anxiety and have done the past month or so, i also work in retail and am on my feet walking up and down the shop all day too! but was wondering if the pain was anxiety????? its like they ache like i want to stretch them all the time.... also my head feels heavy like theres gona be a thunderstorm and my eyes feel like there bulging out my head thru pressure ..... sorry for rambling but these things are bothering me and i dont know if im making um worse???????:shrug:


15-07-09, 12:40
hi ya, i had the exact same thing and only now are my legs getting better.me and my partner went to a music festival last month, done alot of walking around, standing in the heat etc, and by the time we got back home my legs were killing me. sames as you, feeling like i needed to stretch them all the time, felt really tight, like someone was wrapping cling film around them, so i went to my GP for a check and she said that they were fine, and that it was just muscle strain, she gave me some Naproxen and now after 6 weeks my legs feel like normal again.
hang in there, i was worried about it being DVT or Cellulitis, as my HA can go into over drive, but it has passed and im sure yours will get better soon. xx

15-07-09, 15:45
Hope things get better for you. I get the same thing except I usually get it a week before my period then it goes away once my cycle starts. I am guessing my is hormonal.

15-07-09, 16:10
Do you have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome)? Talk to your primary care doctor or pulmonologst/sleep specialist. Tell them about your symptoms and maybe they can determine if you suffer from RLS. I do, and am on Requip. The symptoms you are describing are very similar to what I experience every night.

Take care,

15-07-09, 16:29
This is from the symptoms page on the left..

Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck

What you feel:

You feel like your muscles are always tight or strained, sometimes to the point of frequent pain, or even persistent and ongoing pain. Some may also find the pain so restricting and debilitating that it prevents physical activity, and sometimes to the point of becoming bed ridden. It's also common to experience pain or cramps in any of the body's muscles.

A particular joint in your body feels unusually stiff and sore, or hard to move. It may even feel arthritic. Sometimes you feel you may be ‘seizing up’.

For no apparent reason, a particular muscle will begin to twitch. This twitching will continue for an unusual amount of time before it stops of its own accord. Sometimes it twitches so long it becomes sore, and may continue on and off for days.

You may feel that your scalp is sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. Even though there is no apparent reason for this, they continue to.

What causes this:

Stress biology causes muscles to contract (tighten) so that the body is more resilient to an attack. The higher the stress biology, the more tense the muscles will be. Some people experience mild tenseness while others may experience great pain, sometimes to the point of immobility. Others experience uncontrollable muscle twitching. It can be one particular muscle over and over again, or it can be a wide variety of muscles. Sometimes the twitching can last for days.

Regular exercise helps to keep tight muscles relaxed. Some find relief through massage therapy or warm baths.

As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.