View Full Version : Feeling much better

14-07-09, 12:19
Hi Everyone
I was a late comer to Anxiety Related Panic Disorder. Mine started around 7 years ago after a hostile divorce and lots of other horrible stuff. At my worst, I was having 5 or 6 attacks per day with 11 out of the 12 key symptoms exhibiting during each attack. CBT helped and reduced the number and severity of attacks but it was still frightening and upon waking each day, I never knew whether I was going to have to run the gauntlet or not. It dominated my life. Recently, I decided to tackle the extra 28lbs I had been carrying for some time and went onto a very healthy diet, supervised by a naturopath. Not only have I lost the weight but, since the beginning of March, I've only had one real attack (last week when I strayed off the diet) and a couple of, what I call, twinges. It's really amazing. I feel wholly and totally reborn. I'm no expert nor am I a doctor so don't really understand the reasons but I'm a convert to the theory 'you are what you eat' and clearly, food, drink and diet has a lot to answer for.

14-07-09, 12:46

I agree. Taking care of yourself is the best attack against mental illness that exists! No matter how u approach it, our bodies are asking for love & care & most of us r too mean to give it.

Good work :)

14-07-09, 12:56
Hi Nick and welcome.

I agree totally, exercise and a better diet helped me recover better than any med or therapy.

Well almost a better diet, save for the ole Vino ;)