View Full Version : thin stools and constipated

14-07-09, 14:10
hi everyone, just wanted to no if anyone suffers from constipation and thin stools im scared it is colon cancer because my stools are pencil thin. i have not had any blood but get bad stomach pain and feel full all time

14-07-09, 14:43
i think it might be ibs lots of anxiety sufferers have this.

14-07-09, 21:19
You sound like you are not eating enough fibre.This will cause bloating andstomach pain.The bowel has to work so hard to move the stools along and causes spasms.Look on the main menu at IBS It gives advice on the condition and what food to eat and what to avoid. The symptoms are numerous,but it can be controlled,Take care Suex

15-07-09, 21:52
hiya, i suffer ibs, and it sounds abit like it, i get constipated very bloated feeling and alot of tummy cramps, and of course if you suffer anxiety it does make your symptoms alot worse. and i think since suffering ibs (which was brought on by stress) thats when alot of my health anxieties got worse trying to figure out wheather or not its my ibs playing up or if its something more sinsiter!! good luck i hope you feel better soon. debs. xxxx

16-07-09, 00:30
ive had ibs for 3 years and ihave flat stools and thin and any thing inbetween, all so normal stools my is caused by ha try not to take to much notice of them ,and eat more fibre and ease up on you self and you bowels take care

28-07-09, 18:51
thnx everyone............i got go docs 2moro she sending me for scan on stomach i had blood done they fine but i have had these thin stools and constipation for over 2 months now so im really scared

28-07-09, 19:13
im tottaly the opposite cant stop going its all to do with ibs apparantly but it is scary

28-07-09, 19:31
Have they given you any diet advice to help?