View Full Version : bad night sweats

14-07-09, 15:32
does anybody get night sweats. i get them so badly im drenched all night most nights and i always feel exhausted is this normal to feel like this. i,ve been having these sweats since i came off of hrt 2 years ago all my gp says he cant do not nothing as im not allowed to go back on hrt any suggestions would be appreciated by the way i also suffer with bad anxiety and depression thanks lin x

14-07-09, 16:06

I occasionally suffer with nite sweats. i wake up and have to change.

Dr said its all down the anxiety and possibly side effect of anti d's im on

touch wood iv not had them for a few weeks.

mandie x

14-07-09, 16:15
I not only have them at night I also get them sometimes in the day
does anyone else get them in the day as well.
It is the sweats that frighten me


14-07-09, 18:20
hi i v had them for a couple of wks on and off i woke up with them i was red hot like a flush comeing over me then i went in to a panick took ages for it to go i did my deep breathing etc

14-07-09, 19:15
You might try looking on www.power-surge.com (http://www.power-surge.com) - It sounds like your hormones are what's causing the night sweats since it's been happening since you came off the HRT. I'm 47 so will probably be going through this before long. My sister is going through menopause and she says that eating soy has helped her. Have you ever eaten "edamame"? They are steamed soybeans usually served with salt. I like them with soy sauce. Anyway, the power surge forum might give you some ideas. There are probably some natural ways of getting some estrogen that might help.
