View Full Version : This time Ive really had enough of the doctors

14-07-09, 17:27
Went today to see the head doctor at my surgery although when I was called to the room it was not the doctor I made an appointment with but another one.

This has happened twice now I have tried to see this specific doctor at my surgery!! :mad:

Anyway, I went straight in and asked to be referred for CBT. He said he cannot refer me and I would have to speak to my mental health liason nurse, although the last time I spoke to him (2 weeks ago) was told he cannot refer me either and gave me that pointless 'livinglifetothefull' website. Also the next available appointment with him isnt for another 4 and ahalf months.

My doctor said theres nothing he can do, He siad there is no CBT on the NHS (blatently lieing :mad::mad:) and only private ones where id have to pay. He then tried to fob me off with antidepressents when I clearly told him, and it would be on my records infront of him that I DO NOT want medication.

I am so angry right now.

I am going to haev to resort to selling my belongings to fund a private CBT counsellor thanks to my brilliantly pointless waste of space surgery.

14-07-09, 17:46
Hi there,

An alternative to expensive CBT can be found from the following charity :

NoPanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk/enterframepage.htm)

The cost is £12 per annum for telephone counseling sessions.

Might be worth a look.



14-07-09, 17:54
Hi smint
Try contacting your local PCT - Primary Care Trust and ask them if they will confirm for you if your surgery has funding for cbt then you can always go back armed with facts if they try to fob you off again, but i would have thought all theyre all funded for that.
And theres always the P.A.L.S - Patient Advice and Liason Services who will support you and liase with your gp on your behalf to help you sort out any problems about treatment ....always worth a phone call instead of you having to sell your belongings which you shouldnt have to do these days.
Good luck with that hun.

14-07-09, 18:19
Thanks krog, I will have a look on that website now.

And thanks, lesleya, how do I go about contacting this group, Sorry if Im completely missing it lol, I can only see information about them though.

My doctor told me today "maybe you will never be cured and should just take medication".

What kind of advice is that? Its down right disgusting if you ask me to be telling patients looking for hope that.

14-07-09, 19:29
Heres a link to a search for your nearest PALS contact number, its easy to use just click on the link then click on the second icon down where it says 'locate pals offices and run your mouse over the flags and it will show where your nearest is.
Or failing that nhs direct on 0845 46 47 will tell you but they are really busy with swine flu call at the moment, but your gps surgery or local hospital should be able to give you the details too.
Hope that helps, but if you get stuck you can pm me hun and i will help if i can.

14-07-09, 19:49
Thanks, Im from Wales though and there doesn't seem to be any offices located in Wales. Am I not eligible?