View Full Version : Please not again!!!!

14-07-09, 21:09
Well my HA is back with a vengeance. I got sick this weekend with viral Labrynthitis for the second time & it really knocked my confidence & caused a full blown panic to the point where i had chest tightness & was put on an ECG.
The ECG showed an ectopic so this obviously has just put my anxiety into overdrive. I'm coping well with the vertigo but the fact im so anxious has really depleted my mood. I'm so low its untrue. I feel scared, lonely & cant stop crying.. With this comes the prickly pins & needles feeling & just feeling rotten.

I cant afford to let this ruin my life again- i have been through so much stress of late which the docs think brought on my virus.. but this can reoccur & each time i don't want to put up with this...

Im trying to medicate with st johns wort & 5htp but im gettin desperate for long term help..

I just feel so afraid & lonely
Nic xx

14-07-09, 21:56
Hey mate


Nic when we get poorly hun it always raises our anxiety. We imagine the worst and then all the bloomin dreaded symptoms kick in and floor us. :mad:
The ectopics will be caused by the anxiety, if nothing else showed up hun then it really should reasure you so quit this worrying.

Have a few days rest mate and look after yourself
Big hugs
Loads of love
