View Full Version : Is it panic disorder or OCD - am confused

14-07-09, 21:23
Hi there - I normally post messages on the OCD forum but am beginning to think I might have some sort of panic disorder- - any advice appreciated .

I have suffered with intrusive thoughts for 7 years and was under control with 10mg citalopram. Each time i came off the medication, diff thoughts would flare up depending what was going on in my life, first time i changed jobs and panicked i had made a mistake and it flared my 'shaking' of the hands off again and i was due to go on hol and read an article about a woman having a panic attack before getting on the plane and i was convinced this was going to happen to me and panicked madly so had to go back on meds. after about a year and half, was okay again so came off them but just before i was due to get married in sri lanka, i had intrusive thoughts re my brother and that when i got to airport, i would not get on the plane. this panicked me and again had to go back on tablets. the next time i came off them was cause i found out i was pregnant, i panicked all throughout the pregnancy re miscarriage, still-birth, falling down stairs, eating wrong things, list is endless however last 3 months of preg was worse as started to panic that i would harm my baby and had horrible thoughts. My son is 15 weeks old and last 7 weeks have been on 40mg citalopram, 4 times the dose then normal and i have days where i panic i will hurt him and i feel all tingly over my body, is this panic disorder?