View Full Version : Anxious about being anxious!!!!!!!!!!!

17-09-05, 09:11

Since the doctor gave me Citalopram and I had a bad reaction to it (acute anxiety - didn't have it before) I can't seem to shake this feeling. My one and only anxiety is about being anxious. I think about it 24/7 and it is taking over my life (its only been 3 weeks but it feels like a lifetime). I had quite a good nights sleep last night so was hoping that today would be a good day but I can already feel that knot in my stomach and its really getting me down. How do all of you cope with being anxious about becoming anxious??!! At the moment I feel as though I could quite happily just cry all day.

Any tips?!

17-09-05, 09:23
Sorry your feeling so bad
I know how debilitating axiety can be along with everyone else on this board,so i know you will get some good advice.

Has your Dr tried you on any other medication?It usually takes a good few weeks to start working and i know the side effect can be horrible but it can be useful to some people,even to give them a bit of a crutch to start with.
Are you able to ge out and do things to try to distract yourself?
This will get better for you,always remember that.

Hunny x

17-09-05, 09:42
Thanks Hunny

Thankfully I do have a 5 year old daughter who does all she can to distract me! I just seem to be going up and down all the time but I must admit that most of my 'ups' now seem to come about when I'm on this forum which is great!

I'm going out shopping in a while for a few school things for my daughter so that should keep me busy for a while. I just hate being on my own at the moment, and I hate the evenings because thats when it all seems to build up (as is the case with most people I expect!).

Thanks again

17-09-05, 11:36
Hi Tygwyn,
Citalopram does heighten anxiety before it calms it down, i am on it and had the exact same reaction, after a few months though, it really did help and my anxiety has improved so much now.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

17-09-05, 16:09
Hi Tygwyn,

I too have found that initially SSRIs hike up my anxiety, so much i have had to discontinue them after a week sometimes.

Try and stick with it.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

17-09-05, 17:47
Did your Doctor give you anything for the break through anxiety? I just started Lexapro and have been taking only .5 of a 10mg. for a week now. My doctor told me to take my Ativan along with it to get over the initial anxiety and it has helped. So far so good. I will probably go up to the 10mg. shortly here as I am such a lightweight when it comes to medication. Hope you get to feel better soon.


19-09-05, 16:01
I think your reaction is common among sufferers, I too sometimes wake up and the first thoughts I have is will I be anxious today.
The battle is to challenge these thoughts and turn them around.
I have an appointment with my GP next week - about going on SSI meds, last thing I also need is for meds to make things worse.
Good luck - keep us posted on how you get on.