View Full Version : hello

14-07-09, 23:10
hi everyone
my names denise, i ave been suffering on and of with anxiety and agriphobia for the last 4 yrs.
i can go on short trips in the car on a good day, i was doing ok for a few months recently felt quite normal!!! was out every day.
then i had a bad turn a couple of weeks ago and im worse than ever, even scared to go far in the car as the panick attak happened in the car, i say panick attack im not convinced??? i have this realy horrible funny turn, usually happens mid cycle for 1 day, i have mentioned this to doc as this is what stops me from going out but docs dont actually say its a panic attack.

i know when i get up im going to get one because i dont feel right.
ill try explain what happens see if anyone can relATE..

my head feels stuffy, this can last all day , few hours etc, then all of a sudden i feel like im not quite with it, i get a burning sensation in my head that hen goes through my hole body, my tongue goes numb , this lasts only minutes after which my head feels clear as a bell, but it leaves me drained and tearfull.
i can have one or two of these on the one day only, i can cope with the feeling low and anxiety ie crying etc but this is what realy scares the life out of me.

maybe this site will help me.

15-07-09, 02:45
hi Maybeoneday ,

i think i can offer some comfort to you, i also suffer from anxiety and have had agoraphobia similar to yours for a few years now, last year i experienced similar if not the same to you, my doctor thought i had , had a mini stroke( t.i.a) my symptoms were as follows.....

i was sitting on the loo...my daughter came in and was talking to me, i had had a particularly stressful day in my head, and as she spoke to me, i started to feel numb, first in my legs, then upwards, i carried on talking as i just thought it was a panic attack coming and could make no sense of its timing as i was at home, and safe.

as i sat talking my daughter asked me if i was ok, i said i felt a bit weird but nothing to worry about, then my speech started slurring, and the side of my face went numb, it was the most peculiar sensation , i couldnt move at all, and felt paralysed , almost glued to the spot by my body. after a few minutes it all subsided and i felt 'normal' just very tired.

i went to the doctor, who sent me to hospital, i had all the blood tests, scans etc, and after seeing a consultant they decided that i had been under so much stress within myself that my body had decided to temporarily 'shut down' in order to cope, i showed no signs of a stroke or any illness at all.

since that time i am now more aware of when my body is about to shut itself down, and i have learnt to stop whatever i am doing, and just take some deep breaths and calm myself down, next time it happens, i would suggest you check your pulse rate, you will probably find it is not racing like a panic attack but fast as if you were running or jogging maybe......im not saying this is for sure, but it makes sense to me for myself that after years of anxiety/panic etc my body would learn a new technique( for want of better words!) to stop me from panicking etc.

try not to be afraid of this new event, im not sure if mine happens mid cycle i will keep an eye on it and get back to you regarding that, but the similarity from your description seems uncanny, so i hope what i have said helps a bit.......there is light at the end of the tunnel.....since this new 'attack' my panic attacks are less lol , and i have learnt to appreciate that my body is boss and i must listen to it when its shouting at me to calm down

take care
