View Full Version : chronic itching

15-07-09, 09:41
does anyone else get this - its literally driving me mad - my doc says its chronic urticaria and to take anti histamine but im too scared to take in case im allergic or have side effetcs. also im thinking its something much worse - anyone else get itchy

15-07-09, 10:05
Ive suffered with this for years on and off.It drives me potty.There is an anti histamine that is non drowsy that will help.I also use Lanacane cream. Try not to scratch it makes it worse ,Alovera gel is also soothing.Hope you manage to get it under control.I find it s worse when I am stressed or really anxious.. luv Sue

15-07-09, 11:05
thanks so much - did they say what caused it

15-07-09, 13:04
It can be caused by washing powders etc costmetics dairy products or allergens in the air.It can also be caused by nerves,Try to eliminate things and see if it helps.Avoid synthetic fibres for a while as this can aggravate. All the best Suex:hugs:

15-07-09, 13:10
I used to get hives from my food allergies.

Still do get hives on occasion.

DON'T SCRATCH - I know, easier said than done.

15-07-09, 14:15
I suffer from itching!!!!Awww so annoying.
I first suffered it way back in 1994 when i split with my first hubby----Dr put it down to stress and put me on antihistamines. Not sure what they were called but they did the trick!!!!
Then last May I started with it again---this time on my hands/feet. Drove me mad but at the time i was suffering from really bad HA . My Dr suggested it was stress!!!! It did disappear but this last week it has started up again---some 14 months later!!!!
My HA is no way as bad as it was so this time i am thinking rationally and putting it down to stress#!!!My Hubby is worried about redundancies at the mo and I am awaiting my smear test results. I think that those two together have triggered it again.
It is my hands but then my feet start too!!!!! Drives me mad some days.
I bought some antihistamines but they make me feel really tired within about an hour---Boots own!!!
They do however do the trick. Can anyone recommend any that are non drowsy???
Thanks xxx

15-07-09, 14:47
:hugs: Zirtek - is the anti-histamine that i used to use.
It was fine - no drowsiness.
I saw a dermatologist for regular checks over 12 months they say it is Idiopathic urticaria- Basically it will come and go when it pleases.
Not much help i know:blush:
I still get rashes - can be the size of 2p piece or it can look like bubble wrap.
I do not take anything now when the rashes are bad i "slap" on some sort of moisturiser or savelon whichever is nearest.

15-07-09, 14:52
hi there
thanks so much fro the replies

my dermatologust says its chronic uticaria - but im terrified ill have a major alllergic readction to something.
i take citerizine which i think is another name for zirtek - they are non drowsy but stilll make me drowsy (could be in my head though)

so itchy everywhere - hands arms scalp back :(

15-07-09, 15:01
Try taking half a tablet - take it when people are around so that you have the confidence someone will be there to help - i too am terrified of meds but the rash was so bad i gave in and took the smallest dose and when that was OK i took the proper dose.
Put urticaria into search at the top of page you will see how any others suffer the same:blush: I get worse the more i panic / or become anxious = on and off 5 years now:blush: oddly you just get used to it.

15-07-09, 15:21
There are some topical treatments on here that you might find useful.
www.goherbalremedies.com/blog/home-remedy-for-urticaria/ (http://www.goherbalremedies.com/blog/home-remedy-for-urticaria/)


15-07-09, 15:42
Yup...i have Chronic urticaria. I am on a cocktail of meds for mine. 200mg of antihistamines per day but i would rather that than what i had to put up with before! My skin was covered in huge itchy blisters and mt eyes and lips would swell up.

The itch would drive you insane.

Get a hot water bottle, fill it with cold water and keep it in the fridge for when your skin is at it's worst.

Avoid tight clothes.

Avoid becoming over hot as all these things can trigger it.

Take care

15-07-09, 16:05
thanks so much
i am going on holiday next week and im so worried as im scared the heat will trigger a big allergic reaction

agent orange
15-07-09, 17:33
I get this too, but not this year. I thought that mine was caused when I took Amoxcyclin for tonsilitus as I had a reaction to it and it comes and goes as it feels, I think I stressed too. I usually get it around my middle and where i get hot. It's not dangerous just a pain. Hope it feels better soon.

16-07-09, 10:13
I just wanted to add that I have got some great NON DROWSY antihistamine tablets from NETTO.
These are by galpharm and called Non Drowsy Hayfever and allergy relief.
I was worried about taking one but to be honest I took half whilst my hubby was in----and when a few hours later I was ok i just took the other half.
You can only take one a day----and they WORK!!!!!My itchy hands and feet have stopped. Also the itching on my arms where the small hives appear has gone too!!!!!
I know i cant take them indefinately but to get some relief for now is great.
They only have a weeks supply in the box but they are only 53p!!!!!!
The active ingredient is 10mg loratadine which is what is in some of the very very expensive hay fever products in Boots(Clarityn I think is one!!!!!).
Hope this helps someone xx

17-07-09, 10:03
thanks so much xx

17-07-09, 10:46
Hi there

There is a few of us with Chronic Urticaria. I have had it for nearly 7 years now.

Menthol cream is great stuff. You pop it in the fridge (get a prescription from your doctor) and apply when itching. Try to tap yuor skin not scratch.

And the best medication for me was Zirtek. I had it very serverly intially and was on steroids, plus 8 antihistamines a day. If things are not improving try and get a referral to a dermatologist


17-07-09, 15:39
cannot stand it - its so bad just now and i dont even have a rash or anything its driving me mad!!!