View Full Version : Citalopram

15-07-09, 09:55
Hiya,I have the doctor's today and I think she may up my citalopram.Im on 40 mg at the moment but don't really want to go up any higher.Is there anyone here on a high dosage of this med please.xxxx:hugs:

15-07-09, 10:17
Hi Yorky-lover, there is no evidence that 60mg is any more beneficial than 40mg.Though I have heard of a couple of people on a higher dose .If any thing it will make you more drowsy.Why do you think the Dr will up your dose? are you depressed still or is it that your anxiety is still a problem? If its the later I would say some sort of therapy would be more beneficial. Suex

15-07-09, 12:06
Im not sure,just feeling low and up and down but have alot of problems at home.My brother is an alcoholic and bipolar,he doesnt live with us but causes alot of problems.Im put on alot and hve a lot to cope with.Iv done the therapy and just think gp may up the dose.:hugs:

15-07-09, 13:21
Im sorry to hear that.:hugs: Its one of those things that affect everyone ,and its such a shame its having a bad effect on your own health.I suppose anything is worth a try ,I remember someone saying it had helped them being on a higher dose,but you wont know unless you try it.Some times you are given something else along side the SSRIs that will help rather than upping any more ,but every Dr has their own opinion about treatment.I do hope you feel better soon and your Brother gets free of the demon drink. Take care Sue xx:bighug1:

15-07-09, 14:29
Back from the doc's she wanted to change my tablet's but I said I would get even more anxious if she did that,so she has put my propranalol back up to 80mg and kept the citalopram at 40mg want's to see me in 2 month's.:hugs:

15-07-09, 14:53
The last thing you need right now is to go onto another med.Withdrawals and side effects ,.yuk! See how you go on the increase and fingers crossed it will help. You need to not let people put on you so much,I know its easier said than done but at the end of the day your not going to be any use at all if you get really ill yourself.Your Brother is ill and he needs to accept he needs help and do what is right..No one can do it for him,he has to want it for himself...Chin up Yorky and take care of yourself . LUV :hugs: Sue

16-07-09, 00:13
Thanks for being there for me today suzy:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: