View Full Version : gall stones

15-07-09, 10:33
Hi everyone
I,ve not been on the forum for a while now. After a bad bout of flu at the beginning of the year that left me totally jaded, I have had blood test done, which showed my liver count was high, and was refered for an ultrasound and was found to have gall stones. I am now waiting to see a consultant to see which is the best way to go from here. The thing is I now have the flu like symptems which i had before without the coughing and sneezeing. No energy at all, and very bad back pain. Have any of you had gall bladder problems with the same symptems I would love to hear from you. If I have to go into hospital I will Just have to bite the bullett and go, although hospitals are a big problem for me, I have had enough of feeling unwell.

Jenny xxx

16-07-09, 13:49
Hi, I have gallstones and have had back pain in the past....I just eat less fat, mainly fruit and veg very dull and it did take ages to sort out, it comes back if I have a few months off the wagon. Try not to worry I know it is very painful. Good luck

20-07-09, 20:17
Thanks for your reply Jannne. I an seeing a consultant next week. I have had a scan and a blood test and My liver function was quite high. I will have to see what what he advises me to do.
I am not very good with hospitals, but if it comes to that, anything is better than putting up with the pain, and feeling unwell most of the time.

Jenny F xxxxxx

20-07-09, 20:46

Can you describe what your back pain is like? I am waiting for an ultrasound as been having discomfort under right rib which doc said could be gall stones but started in last week or so with back pain. It comes and goes throughout day but when comes just lasts for few seconds and is a sort of burning pain and sometimes sharp.
Went back to docs and he said its to do with my IBS and sent me on my way without doing any checks. However had bloods checked and all ok with that.

20-07-09, 22:49
i have had my gall bladder out...
but before then yes i always felt tired and just not well i cant really describe it infact i didnt realise how tired and rough i felt until i had my gall bladder out...if that makes any sense at all.
and yes lots of back pain too...
fatty foods and dairy foods would make it worse with ice cream and chocolate being the worst things along with onions and garlic...
i had my gall bladder out two years ago this month it was done by key hole,,,it took a while to be able to eat what i wanted but the pain and "ill" feeling went very soon after the op.

28-07-09, 21:14
Hello everyone
Just an update of what is going on. I have been to see a consultant to-day. He wants me to have further blood test for my liver to see if the blood count has come down any, and and endoscopy (tube down the throat) to see if anything is going on in my stomach area. He is not convinced it is the gall stones that are causing me to feel so unwell. I have spoken to lots of people with exactly the same symptoms as mine. The tiredness and total lack of engery along with severe back pain and left shoulder pain, and had their gall bladder out, and now feel so much better and pain free.
So I am hoping that he will give me that option, (not that I am looking forward to hospital, I am not) but I am now at the point where I just want to feel well !!
Jenny xxx

28-07-09, 21:18

Can you describe what your back pain is like? I am waiting for an ultrasound as been having discomfort under right rib which doc said could be gall stones but started in last week or so with back pain. It comes and goes throughout day but when comes just lasts for few seconds and is a sort of burning pain and sometimes sharp.
Went back to docs and he said its to do with my IBS and sent me on my way without doing any checks. However had bloods checked and all ok with that.
It is low back pain each side of my back, sometimes going round into the groin.
Jenny xx

29-07-09, 06:07
Hi jenny,
My uncle too had same problem.. He also suffered from back pain.. He undergo many treatments but in vain.. Later he undergo back pain online treatment in irehab.com... Let try this..

10-01-10, 18:50
Hi Everyone,
Well I bit the bullett and had my gall bladder out in December. I had keyhole surgery. I was the first one down to theatre so I didn't have time to think about it. I was quite proud of myself. I faced it all very well, and didn't panic once. I think when you get to the point when you are in so much pain and discomfort you will do what ever it takes to feel well again. I came home on Christmas Eve so I got out of cooking Christmas dinner. Three week in I am not doing too bad. My appetite is getting better, and I don't have back pain every day. All the nursing staff were lovely. I don't see the consulatant again till March.

Jenny xx

margaret jones
10-01-10, 19:09
Good news Jenny glad it all went well and you are feeling better my daughter had her Gallbladder removed like you keyhole 3 yr ago she was fine after 6 weeks

14-01-10, 02:04
hi i just had ultrasound that said i have a large gallstone and i have to meet with a surgeon, just wondering if anyone can tell me their experience with the surgery and how they were afterwards...i have 3 children and want to figure out how long i will be down for and plus major fear of anesthesia!