View Full Version : Going Nuts Here

15-07-09, 11:15
along with my GAD and HA i also suffer from TMJ, and today its full blown! my jaw started hurting last night and i was in agony, but as it is on my right side ( normally my left side is effected) im thinking something else is wrong. i tried to get off to sleep last night and within 10 mins of dropping off i just jumped up thinking i was choking, it took my husband about half hour to calm me down, and managed to let it pass, but this morning my face feels like its on fire, my chest feels like someone is sitting on it, my neck and shoulder are aching like mad, and my ear feels wet even tho its not.
i can't stop rubbing my chin cos it feels like its burning, im in such a panic at the moment! now im starting to shake and i feel awful

16-07-09, 02:02
are u on any medications? have you eatin anything new lately it could just be an allergic reaction

16-07-09, 02:36
Oh gosh, I really feel for you. I have TMJ too, but it's not as bad as that, probably because I've only had it for a few years. The only time I've had pain any where near as you've described is when I was holding my jaw wide open for the orthodontist for around an hour.

Don't panic, take some anti-infalmmatory medication, such as ibuprofen and try not to eat anything that will need much chewing. Try sticking to soft food for the moment. If it doesn't go away on its own, perhaps you should see a doctor.

16-07-09, 12:07
no, im not on any meds at all, it did go off eventually, but my jaw is so bad today, cos of my panic i went into overdrive and phoned the doctors for an appointment, but then soon realised that all the symptons i had today is just my TMJ, and its freaking me out cos im not used to getting it on this side of my face, luckily my hubby is off work today and calmed me down, so i cancelled the appointment. and will just stick to my nurofen, and a hot water bottle to ease the pain.
oh, and a little chocolate to make me feel better! lol
thanks for your replies . xx