View Full Version : Women's problems - scared!!!

15-07-09, 12:35
I have just got over worrying about bowel cancer and now I am back on some kind of gynae cancer.

Since I had my son nearly 2 years ago (3rd child - had no problems with the other 2!), I have major problems with periods. I had some sort of breakthrough bleeding that lasted 6 weeks when he was only a couple of months old. When that settled down, I have been plagued with awful ovulation pains and mid-month spotting. My smear was normal a year ago and I have had normal blood test results and pelvic ultrasound. Up until my son was born, my periods were always regular and followed the same pattern for 18 years. Now they are all over the place!!

This month has been worse than normal. I had the mid month spotting and cramping but then have bled again since. My period is due today but for the last 4 days, I have been having very light red (TMI sorry!!) spotting that only lasts about an hour or two and then disappears until the next day! I have never had this before!! I saw another doctor yesterday who said that, given my normal investigations, it is probably a hormone inbalance but she wants me to have test for infection and another ultrasound just to be on the safe side!! I am really worried!!

I know I am young for uterine cancer (tests show I don't have cervical). I am only 37. It also seems like a massive co-incidence that it all started after giving birth but I am still very anxious. Has anyone had anything similar or can you give me any advice? PLEASE!!!!:weep:

15-07-09, 13:34
Please can someone reply!!!!:weep:

15-07-09, 13:56
hi i dont know anything about gynae issues but like everything in medicine there are sooooo many reasons for things that are not serious at all so im sure this is the case for you.
anxiety can also effect periods i think

all the best

15-07-09, 14:07
Hi jo3016,
I was the opposite of you, since having my daughter, 16 years ago I have become as regualr as clock work...I was all over the place before. I now you are a bit young but could you be approaching menopause? A friend of mine was only 38 and was haviing similar symptoms to you and at 42 every thing had stopped...not even a hot flush!
Im sorry Im not much help to you.
Take care
Carol x

15-07-09, 19:52
99.9% certain you have imbalanced hormones - I had a bad spell at your age and I hadn't had a child it was just my beginning of hormone havoc. I had the spotting from mid month on and this went on and off for 4 years then from 40 to 46 all was normal except for excruitiating ovulation pain every month. 2 yrs ago everything went haywire and I have had up to 4 months period free then up to 6 months of bleeding or spotting every day.
When I was your age I had ultrasound and also hysteroscopy an biopsy where they look into your womb with camera and take a biopsy and everything was fine so told hormones.
18 months ago I had same again and D&C and again all normal so again told its menopause or as they call it perimenopause as the lead up to it which can last from 3-8 yrs!! A few weeks ago after bleeding every day for 4 momths I had another hysteroscopy and biopsy and ultrsound and bloods and again all normal. I had 11 dasy bleed free and off again with the slight spotting.
To put your mind at rest you could see a gyny and have hysterowcopy and biopsy like I have done but its not very pleasant but would totally put your mind at rest.