View Full Version : alcohol and racing heart

15-07-09, 16:34
Hey everyone, i was curious if anyone else experienced a rapid heart rate while drinking beer? i am really not sure if it's because of my anxiety or not,but lately i have noticed when i drink..usually a fair amount, my pulse is well above 140s. I know that alcohol and anxiety dont mix but im still worried.
i have been to different doctors countless times they agree that my heart is fine...any ideas? thanks for your time

15-07-09, 17:32

I posted this about a week ago. I have had this, it normally occurs the morning after the night before. Its horrible. White wine is my trigger, I wake p about 6am, with my heart going like the clappers. Easily above 140.
I went to my GP and she said that alcohol and cigarettes are the most COMMON causes of rapid heartrate. I think or trouble is we get caught in a viscious circle, of panicking, heart gets quicker etc..

Your not alone, I know where your coming from!


15-07-09, 19:37
Thanks for the reply:) mine usually occurs in the process of drinking...maybe im just anxious and aware of my heartbeat

15-07-09, 22:59
Alcohol normally helps me relax... that's not a good thing lol...:wacko:
But I do occasionaly get a racing heart and really shaky either while drinking or late at night after having A LOT to drink, or the morning after, like as part of a hangover, apparently it's normal, my flatmate gets them too, we call them the alcohol shakes...but it only happens when I've had lots.

15-07-09, 23:31

I have stopped drinking altogether as the Palps and chest tightness just ain't worth it any more. I feel it is all Anxiety driven as anything that makes my body feel different such as Meds causes similar symptoms. I also get palps if I eat too much. I wondered if I had a digestive or liver problem but the doc says not, its just the lovely anxiety warning of impending doom.


17-07-09, 12:02
I've always had rapid heart rate after drinking alcohol. Perfectly normal as far as I know.

However alcohol apparently isn't good for anxiety. Initial relaxant maybe but it's also a depressant. Plus if it raises your heart rate, then you just add another thing to worry about.

Currently I'm steering clear of alcohol just to be safe. I don't want to add to what I've got, which already is making me feel awful.

17-07-09, 13:32
Perhaps it may be an idea to have a rest from alcohol say two or three days then have a beer and see it the symtoms reappear.

17-07-09, 13:52
Alcohol will increase your heart rate, even the next day.

I can add 15 beats per minute in the gym purely if I have had a drink the night before.

It will always make you feel fine on the night, but not the next day, I should know, because I have never learned ;)

17-07-09, 14:49
Thanks for all of the replies. I have really cut back on my drinking habits since the panic attacks and anxiety started. I was drinking very heavy after my Father passed away and i think that was the main cause. When i had my blood work done the Doc said some of my liver functions were messed up so i quit drinking for three months. Now i have a few now and then, but i think that adds to my anxiety when i over do it.