View Full Version : Palpitations

15-07-09, 17:36
I know there has been numerous posts about palps but i have recently started suffering with them myself so my post is mainly for reassurance & support cause to be honest im freaking out.

To cut a long story short i had an ECG Sunday & got told i had an ectopic in there after a major panic attack. Since Sunday i have had non stop palps, they really are all day long.. I took my pulse & can feel them once or twice every minute, but all day long really- is this normal???

They feel like a huge thud or like a crackling popping sensation going on in my chest. I can feel them i my throat too, they make me wanna cough almost.

What have you been advised with these palps before or ectopics?? I had some bloods today to check my thyroid & other bits incase as they are new but i do have to admit my HA is through the roof at the minute due to viral labrynthitis i have!

Please can i have your story living with them & any advice on how to cope & what helps them!!

Nic xx

15-07-09, 17:55
Hi there Nicola,from reading your post,I really think that because you're now focusing more on the palps,they are getting worse. I get the weird crackling thingyou are talking about and it is certainly a horrible funky feeling..aswell as the awful thuds. They're worse for me at night and I dunno why.

Sometimes it feels like there is almost a heartbeat somewhere else in my body!Like my stomach! They do tend to be more frequent qhen I think about them but when I am not really bothered and something happens,it sets me off THEN thinking about them!

As for what helps them..for me anyways..I really do try and try and try to just forget about them. And try deep breathing. I'm a bit sucky at giving advice sorry..but I just wanted to let you kno wyou aren't alone xxx

15-07-09, 17:59

You forgot to mention the 6/8 red bulls you had hun.
I believe that is what has started your palps and your anxiety has kicked in keeping them going.

You are going to be just fine mate
Love Lisa


15-07-09, 18:33
Hey Nickie,

I can so remember what that felt like. Mine came on with avengeance and I had them 24/7 for 4 1/2 months. I was checking my pulse all the time and could feel the "missed" beats which aren't really missed they are two beats coming together making it feel like a missed beat. I went through hell with this and worried myself to death about it every minute of every day.

All I can tell you is that once I went to the docs and had EKG, Thyroid test etc and went on Lexapro they went away. I have been med free for 3 years and no more palps.

I know it is really scary but it is harmless. Hang in there, you will get through this.

PM me if you need to hun, I'm happy to chat with you and try and reassure you. I wouldn't wish palps on my worst enemy because I know how afraid it can make you feel.

Take care
Natalie xx