View Full Version : need help

15-07-09, 18:14
I am 18 and have been having anxiety hard core for the past 2 months, ive had anxiety for 10 years but not like this. I keep having thoughts about my anxiety and if its ever going to stop its 24/7 im fighting my mind telling me yes it will, I dont know what to do about it, IDk if I have ocd or gad or panic disorder or what all I know is that I need this to stop its not me its not who I want to be. I realize that thats what im constantly thinking and fighting and when i realize im not thinking about it i get a hightened anxiety and have to think about it, Im afraid that this is never ending........any advice?:scared15:

15-07-09, 21:06
Are you on meds? If so maybe you need to see Dr and explain that you are still suffering anxiety which is affecting you eveyday life. You will not be like this forever, believe me, it can and will get better. Also, a proper diagnoses would be really valuable...have you never had this. I know it is sometimes difficult to pin down and there may be more than one which fits your symptoms. Good luck and never give up hope of getting your better life back.

15-07-09, 22:07

Go and ask for help. Speak to your doctor.

At 18 I had my first suicide attempt, I didn't really understand about depression etc at the time and I wish I had as it's taken me years to now get recognised as having depression and needing help.

Really go and get help. Don't just deal with it by yourself, there are people who can help.

Hugs x x x

16-07-09, 01:57
I just got diagnosed today by new thereapist, I have gad panic disorder and depression. Im really scared ive been almost umbearibly anxious today and its almost disabled me im on lexapro have been for a week but also been on other meds for past 2 months does it just need to kick in?

16-07-09, 03:06
If im not mistaken, lexapro takes a while to "kick in"

16-07-09, 08:53
Give it time. Most drugs take a while to kick in and have an affect on you.

I know it might be very hard to believe right now, but things will get better and you will be alright. You have been diagnosed and you're getting help and in the long run that is great.

If you can get therapy that would probably be very helpful for you right now. Even if it's just straightforward counselling talking to a stranger is really useful. From 19-22 I had ongoing counselling and it helped me to get to the point of being able to understand and start to deal with my depression. Before that I felt so lost and didn't really 'get' why I felt the way I did.

Big hugs and I hope the drugs kick in soon and help you to feel calmer.