View Full Version : Pregnancy & panic

17-09-05, 23:17

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for a while now but every month when it doesn't happen I'm quite relieved not because I don't want the baby but because I'm scared that the fluctuating hormones will make my panic attacks worse and I've now got it into my head that I'll probably get postnatal depression. I'm hoping that someone on here can tell me how it is - I think if I know it can make them worse I'll be able to deal with it and that it's the uncertainty thats causing the problem. Any answers would be really appriciated.
Hope you don't all think I'm strange!

18-09-05, 03:23
I had a baby a year ago... and my panic began while i was pregnant... But... I think the thing about panic is it is never as bad as to be expected. b/c i had anxiety while pregnant I was SURE i was going to have terrible pnd, and maybe even psychosis. However, it was not bad at all. It was a lot easier than it was after my first pregnancy... My first pregnancy I assumed everything would be perfect, so when it wasnt i was freaked out... But now you are scared, so I am sure it will be nowhere near as bad as you expect. I have actually heard a lot of women are less panicked during pregnancy...

18-09-05, 06:21

I have had panic for about 11 years I have had 4 children in those 11 years and I always feel pretty anxiety free for the 9 months. Sounds weird but it is the Hormones.


18-09-05, 09:28
Hi Marmalade,

I'm just over three months pregnant. I have suffered with anxiety for years and already have two children - although my anxiety wasn't quite so bad when I had them - but I have to say that my anxiety hasn't got any worse because I am pregnant. I worry about things that I shouldn't, but that is because I've got quite a history with my pregnancy and I also suffer missed heartbeats now, which scare me, but haven't changed since being pregnant. I hope this has helped to reassure you but if you would like to talk please feel free to pm me.

Take care,

18-09-05, 19:26
Hi Marmalade

I have three children, 8, 2,1, my two youngest are close together and i can honsetly say that for me pregnancy is the only time when my anxiety banishes almost completely, as i mentioned in a previous post i do think that the changing hormones definetely have an effect. obviously we are all different but you never know it it may effect you positively too, but if not dont forget there are allways things you can do to relieve your anxiety like aqua aerobics for pregnancy or special exercises to keep some good brain chemicals flowing. if your ready for it then it seems a shame to put it off because of your anxiety. Children can bring you soo much happiness (even if you do want to strangle them sometimes!).

Best of luck trying.


april tones
18-09-05, 21:37
hi marmalade. i was a bit like you but was pregant when i was thinking it! haha, but didnt know. I had depression before but did get pnd and had panic attacks during but my labour was perfect, didnt panic! its worth it! dont worry xx
