View Full Version : Negativity towards Stress sufferers

Lion King
15-07-09, 20:35
I work as a manager and I have just returned to work from suffering with anxiety and stress. I have been back 4 weeks and I am starting to really get into the swing of things, but today I had my first negativity towards the way I have been performing from one of my workers. One worker has kept things from me as they think they may be putting too much on me as they think I am going backwards! I was initially astonished as I thought I was performing well, but given a few seconds to think, I replied that I was ok, I said I was recovering but I am slightly affected by anxiety from time to time but not to a point where I am unable to function, I said thank you for your concern I appreciate it but I am still recovering and sometimes I will have good days as well as bad, but at the end of the day I have a job to do! The conversation soon shifted, but obviously it played on my mind to what symptoms I had portrayed to give that assumption, I won't kid myself but I get anxious pretty much 10 times a day at work, but it is the usual, the misconception of my low self esteem. I need to drive automatic negative thoughts out of my mind and the only way possible is to face things and remain calm, time is still the great healing power.

Has anyone else had similar experiences and how have you coped?

All the Best

Lion King

16-07-09, 00:13
My situation was the opposite. I was cracking under the stress of my horrible, crap job, so they kept piling sh*t on to see how long it would take my brain to implode. That didn't exactly help me learn how to deal with stress. The company started to go under and I got made redundant.

Not surprisingly, nobody lived happily ever after.

"Brought to you in association with the South Yorkshire: Investing In People initiative"

Lion King
16-07-09, 19:08
Just what you need when you are slogging your guts out! I got made redundant when I was working really hard for another company, I felt proper s**t and let down, but on the other hand it made me get out of the s**tty job and start having a life!

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