View Full Version : do i/dont i???? (meds)

15-07-09, 21:00
i have been on 5mg cipralex for almost 4 years and when i first started it (and i mean very first after the first tablet) i had some horrible side effects like racing heart dizziness feeling sick etc.
anyway 4 years on and i think my body has got so used to the 5mg im very very anxiuos again and if im honest have been for quite some time now.
i have an appointment with doc tomorrow afternoon as was going to ask if he will up my meds to 10mg cipralex a day. thing is im so scared of the side effects i will be scared to take them. its like im in a no win situation if i dont take them i have this constant horrid anxiety and if i do ill be constantly worrying and maybe experiencing some nasty side effects.
i have 4 children ranging from 6 months to 7 years so i need to be well x

16-07-09, 01:31
Hi there

am on 20mg cipralex and 3x5mg buscipone a day and have no side effects. However I have been on them since 14 March and it is only now that I can see light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Good luck with the doctor - let us know how you got on. Take care

16-07-09, 09:59
thanks chantelle. by the way what are buscipone? x

16-07-09, 10:29
hello i have had that problem with some of my medication so i went to the doctor and he was able to give me a tablet for a couple of weeks that supressed the side effects of the other one, ask your gp they may be able to give you something if you start experiencing side effects.
take care x

16-07-09, 18:38
Hi there

buspirone or buspar is an anxiolytic which altre levels of chemicals in the brain - relieves symptons of anxiety (settles/calms you). Works for some but not others. Mention it to doctor to see if he/she would recommend it

Take care


16-07-09, 20:22
Hi, I've suffered anxiety in varying degrees for the last 6-7 years. I'm now on cipralex again. This is my second time on them and have been for four months. I started off on 10mg per day but I still wasn't sleeping so my doctor has upped them to 20mg per day for the next 3 months and then after that, he will start to decrease them again. I take mine in the morning with my breakfast. I used to feel dizzy and lightheaded when I took them at night. Anyway, I feel normal at the moment and that only seems to highlight how abnormal I have felt for such a long time! The 20mg are great for me but I have noticed that I get tired sooner in the evening and I can't satisfy my hunger so have put a few pounds on already. But these two side effects far outweigh how I was feeling, as like you, I have a family, a job, mortgage etc. I worry about being on meds too but at this moment in time, it's more important for me to be what I call "firing off all cylinders". I'm also going to counselling at the moment which is helping me to identify the reasons why I get anxious and the triggers.

It must feel like you are between a rock and a hard place and I think unless anyone has felt like this themselves, they have no contemplation of how debilitating anxiety can be. I dare say this isn't going to help much, but I just wanted you to know that I'm on meds too and have similar thoughts about being on them.

Best wishes.

19-07-09, 19:57
thanks for your comments and it really does help to know im not alone.
gp rang me on thurs (as i was unable to get to surgery due to childcare) and said he will prescribe me 10mg and see how i get on with them. i run out og 5mg on tues and am already panicking about taking the 10mg :( its been on my mind since i spoke to the doctor. i just hate feeling so scared of taking tablets. even when i get a bad head ache i will never even take 1 tablet as im scared of what it could do to me. think all this stems from 8 years ago when i took my very first anti d (20mg citalopram) the side effects were so bad i could not function properly :( have to admit it wore of within a week but scared the hell out of me :(

21-07-09, 11:19
am due to take my last 5mg tomorrow night and start the 10mg thurs night am soooooooooo scared grrrrrrrrr

22-07-09, 12:17
anyone. please

22-07-09, 12:38
Hi ,it may be that you don't have any side effects as your body may be used to it already,if you do they probably will be a lot milder.I am like you with worrying about upping tablets but you may be pleasantly surprised.Let us know how you get on, it must be better to not have anxiety creeping back than a few days of hopefully mild side effects.:hugs: