View Full Version : Really Annoyed With Myself... womans stuff..

15-07-09, 23:37
I occassionally not all the time have a few red blood spots after I wipe after sex - I've had them for as long as I can remember and normally after deep (sorry!) penetrative sex, it's not painful and lasts one wipe and that is it - its not deep red so I know there is only a tiny bit.

I have my smears on time and have only recently had one, so I know I am all good otherwise and I have no other problems and am perfectly healthy. Except I have now googled my symptoms and I am now really stressing that It is something else - I know I shouldn't and I wish I hadn't as I have been doing so well AND I KNOW IT IS NOTHING!!!!!


Sorry I just wanted to vent and the next time I go to the loo It won't be there, I suppose I am just so frustrated as I have been doing so well lately.

16-07-09, 00:11
I had an abnormal test result once. After freaking out for the two weeks I had to wait, it turned out to be nothing. {although, I did have a biopsy which too freaked me out} As hard as it is, try to think positive..

16-07-09, 01:00
I've been going nuts and called NHS direct who have said that there are several reasons for bleeding as a result of sexual intercourse (also called post-coital bleeding) in women. It is often caused by an inflamed area on the surface of the cervix (neck of the womb), and sex can cause it to bleed. This inflammation is called cervical erosion, and it is commonly found in young women, pregnant women and those on the contraceptive pill.
Bleeding may also be caused by small growths called polyps emerging from the cervix. These are almost always benign. In some cases, the bleeding may be caused by an infection (such as chlamydia or cystitis), or by changes to the cells of the cervix. It is important that this is checked by your doctor or family planning clinic.

It may also occur as a result of a decrease in the amount of vaginal secretions, which can lead to painful intercourse. This condition is called atrophic vaginitis, and usually occurs after the menopause when the lack of the female hormone oestrogen affects the levels of mucus in the vagina. Lubricating gels may help.

I feel so much better now as I had a smear two months or so ago that was fine, I am so upset with myself though.

16-07-09, 16:32
If you have had it before, why worry now? Try to relax and take comfort in knowing that you have had it before and had a normal pap.....that means if something were wrong...like if you had one of the things that COULD cause it...they would have found it!

miss diagnosis
16-07-09, 20:49

I get this too sometimes.i used to get really freaked out. when i changed my pill it stopped completly. i changed to another pill and it started again :-(
The pill can dry you up/cause thrush and this can cause tiny cuts from irritation during sex.

really glad someone else is in the same boat though cos i feel like im the only one!

16-07-09, 20:53
I got the implant thingy that they put under the skin in your arm a few months ago, in one way it's good because it protects you for 3 years without having to remember tablets or anything, but you get loads of weird random bleeding which can be scary :(

16-07-09, 23:31
hey im just like you, get this probably every time after sex actually. only a tiny bit just like you. when jade died i thought OMG cervical cancer what are the symptoms? so i googled it and found postcoital bleeding as a symptom. booked app at docs, she did a smear (she also told me when they do the smear they can see polyps or cerical errosions so if they didnt mention it to u last time, chances r u dont have one). my smear was clear an shes booked me for a colposcopy which i am too scared to go to and have rescheduled it 5 times now lol. she told me whatever it was it was nothing to worry about as its small amounts of blood. she told me there is no rush as it isnt going to be anything serious.

i will go one day but id like to get over the fear of going to a hospital due to swine flu contamination at the minute lol. I also did a bit of research myself and found that the pill i was on (minipill) causes post-coital bleeding, do u know if the implant u have is progesterone only as this is same hormone type as minipill so will cause same side effect. hope this helps, keep ur pecker up lol xx