View Full Version : SICK of feeling sick!

16-07-09, 13:00
I have been feeling sick practically every day for a year now since this damn anxiety started. Along with panic attacks, the nausea is the main symptom and I am so fed up I can't even put it into words.

I am emetophobic, so it really doesn't help having nausea most of the time. I don't work, but I do get out and about. However, everything seems so hard when you're feeling sick, even shopping in the supermarket can be a real effort at times.

The doctor doesn't ever offer me anti-sickness pills, just says, oh yes it's the anxiety. I have been on Citalopram since April and have just upped the dose to 30mg, and whilst my depression is much better it hasn't touched the anxiety.

I went to Devon at the weekend to see my boyfriend, I decided to go on the train which was a 4 hour trip (including waiting for connections) and as I had to do the trip 2 days in a row it really made me panic and did me in. Since the weekend I have a had really bad, painful ibs and my nausea is worse. Sorry for the rant but I am VERY annoyed.

RL x

16-07-09, 14:10
Hello RockLover,

Sorry you feel so sick after a year. I had terrible sickness from anxiety for the first 3 weeks of taking citalopram. Here are a few solutions that I hope might help you:
EXERCISE - releases endorphins and gets rid of stress and anxiety.
MOTILIUM - available from Boots, a fiver for ten. They're anti sickness pills. Tell the person at the counter you're taking citalopram and they'll advise you the best way to take them.
THERAPY - Talk to your doctor to arrange some counselling/therapy sessions. There's obviously a reason you're feeling anxious and you need to address the issue rather than just taking meds to block the pain.
MINT TEA - great for soothing a nauseous stomach.

I'll think of some more and let you know.

Hope this helps!


16-07-09, 14:27
Hi and thanks for replying. I have had my 6 sessions of cbt and that is all we get around here. It did help at the time, but I could do with more really. An illness last year started this bout of anxiety off, but I am also aware that there are underlying issues of very low self esteem and worry about the IBS I suffer from.

Really not entirely sure what to do, I push myself to go out and do things that make me anxious (exposure therapy I suppose), and while I can do it, I still feel ill the whole time and I just want to enjoy life rather than tolerate it.

16-07-09, 16:19
Well done for taking the initiative to get CBT, though I don't think that 6 sessions are enough. Hang in there, it WILL get better!

I'm no psychologist, but do you ever wonder whether it is psychosomatic?

Exposure therapy is a great way of dealing with it, carry on with that too.

As I said, Motilium helps. Have you spoken to your doctor about getting beta-blockers, as they're supposed to help with anxiety?


17-07-09, 09:37
I sometimes feel "off balance" and disoriented. Is this what you're describing? My head sometimes pounds and I feel "cut off" from everything for a few minutes. It usually goes away after sipping some water and taking a few deep breaths. It was definately worse when I first started taking citalopram. I only get it occassionally now, especially when I'm hungover, tired, or I have been staring at a screen for a long time.

Do you ever get involuntary twitches? I do and it's so embarrassing!:shades:

17-07-09, 18:02
Oh, I completely understand, I am battling really bad nausea everyday at the moment and I too, am emetophobic. I do find it really hard to deal with and I am afraid to go out and be around people in case I throw up! How do you cope with that worry? Do you still go out even though you feel rough? How doews your nausea present itslelf? Mine has lots of different disguises, so I can't get too used to it, the type of nausea keeps changing so I always feel worried its something more than anxiety! How about yours?

18-07-09, 09:02
Oh, I completely understand, I am battling really bad nausea everyday at the moment and I too, am emetophobic. I do find it really hard to deal with and I am afraid to go out and be around people in case I throw up! How do you cope with that worry? Do you still go out even though you feel rough? How doews your nausea present itslelf? Mine has lots of different disguises, so I can't get too used to it, the type of nausea keeps changing so I always feel worried its something more than anxiety! How about yours?

Hi Jessie, you sound just like me, it was so bad last year I just stopped eating, but I have got a bit better and moved on from that. I do worry that I will throw up in public and if I am feeling very bad I don't always go out. However, the pattern with me is that I tend to feel better in the afternoon and evening, so I tend to go out more then.

To be honest I am so used to feeling sick I just accept it and although I don't always enjoy going out, I push myself to do it. Although i must admit I don't go very far these days, but i am working on that. The nausea I get has settled now and it is mostly the same feeling, unless I am doing something very stressfull, then it becomes really severe. I wish i had better advice, but the only things I can say are make sure you eat, otherwise you feel alot worse and push yourself to go on little outings, just to the supermarket or park or something. The more you go out, the more confident you will feel. It does go away though, mine has come back after a nausea free period, so don't give up, you will get there.

18-07-09, 09:26
Hi I suffer with bad anxiety and my worse sympton is nausea, I have actually been sick also.I try and force myself out most of the time and when I am out it gets better mostly.Good luck and I hope you can get over it.

19-07-09, 11:03
Thanks for the tips. I must say I am still concerned that my nausea is more than anxiety, even though I have had lots of other symptoms previously I thought the same about and they turned out just to be anxiety! I can make myself believe I have stomach cancer or something like that and it makes it hard to fight the nausea in case I get worse and worse. I have suffered with anxiety nausea for 25 years or more and still can't convince myself its only that!!!

Did any of you have any tests done? Doc is suggesting endoscopy, that won't happen if I can help it because of my emet!!! Terrifying! Anyone had this or barium x ray or anything or did doc just say its anxiety?

Do you get acidy stomach too, with burping and gas etc? I suffer with this a lot as well when nervous! (trouble is I am nervous all the time!)