View Full Version : Citalopram not working anymore - Switch Meds?

16-07-09, 16:25
Hi There,

I've been taking citalopram on and off for two years. I do not feel that it has been working for the past 3 months, despite stopping smoking, reducing the amount I drink and stopping my usage of illegal drugs. Is it worth speaking to my GP about trying a different medicine?


16-07-09, 16:58
I would definately go and see your Dr if I were you.He /she may increase your dose or give you something new .Its always best to withdraw slowly off the current med first though.How much do you take and what was it perscribed for? If you drink it can cause increased anxiety the next day or so .Street drugs can also decrease or increase the effectiveness of perscribed medicine ,but I expect you know that.Sometimes these type of pills just stop working ,your Dr is the best person to decide what he thinks is best for you . Good luck.Sue xx

17-07-09, 09:47
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your helpful reply. I was taking 40mg Citalolpram for seven months, then I went back down to 20mg about 2 months ago, as 40mg was making me hyperactive and manic. I've calmed down now, but I just feel a complete disinterest in the pleasurable activities in life, eg my hobbies. My initial withdrawal symptoms like the irritability, loss of appetite and heightened anxiety have disappeared so why am I left feeling depressed? I think I'll speak to my GP on Monday.


17-07-09, 11:03
Hi, sounds to me like your current dose is not strong enough, or you are needing to do some further therapy such as CBT or hypnotherapy. It sounds like citalopram is not for you so why not ask about trying another medication? Another SSRi might help you without increasing your hyperactivity.

17-07-09, 11:11
Hiya amigo :p

I was on an 8month waiting list for NHS-funded CAT therapy, only to be told that they weren't going to give it to me because I'm restarting uni in October. I TOLD them this during the initial consultation last November, but they decided to put me on a waiting list for 8 months before telling me! gRRR. I was working full-time then so I could have paid for a couple of private sessions, but I went travelling and am still struggling to find permanent work since I've got back, so can't afford any private therapy. I'm so angry.

Thanks for your advice. I finish my current packet in about three weeks, so I'm going to go back to my GP and request a more effective medecine. I don't want to be put back up to 30mg as I think I'll be hyperactive.


17-07-09, 11:28
When I increased to 30mg after the dose had kicked in I was very hyper..2-3 weeks later it did drop considerably,I then went up to 40mg and all it did was make me feel lethargic and tired.35MG is what I take now and Its perfect.Sometimes its just a case of trying different doses to see what works for you.There are lots of other types you can try ,something will work better for you ,if this doesnt.That was very bad a about your therapy. Hope you feel better soon Luv SUE x

17-07-09, 14:58
Thanks, as always, for reassuring words, Sue :) I didn't realise there were 5mg tablets. I'd like to try 25-30mg dose for a few months.
My GP tried to get me on the waiting list in Birmingham, where I'm going to uni, but they said that they can't do that until I'm actually LIVING there. Probably won't be seen until June 2010 then.
How much do private sessions cost? If they're £40-£100 could do one a month off my student loan provided I don't live too lavishly (like I did at my last uni)

17-07-09, 15:08
You can only get 10mg,Lisa I bite one in half,you can also get a pill cutter from some chemists ,but to be honest its not that good for small tabs. You can get CBT FOR AROUND £45,look on line for it in the area you will be in,..Its a shame people have to wait so long ,and dont even get offered it by NHS. Hope you find a suitable dose on this,or its back to square one again GRRRH. Take care SUEX

17-07-09, 16:55
Thank you :)

Arrgh, I'm absolutely determined not to go back to square one. I want to start CAT/CBT. £45 per session isn't too bad if I do it once a month, I'll just have to live frugally.

Is it safe to take citalopram in conjunction with any other antideps?:yahoo: :yahoo:

17-07-09, 17:16
Yes it can be combined ,but not withMAOs OR SSRIs Sometimes Amitriptyline is given in extreem cases. Or an antipsychotic like flupentixol. Sue x

09-07-16, 07:46
I have been on it since 1999 and it still works. I thought the effect lessoned but It still helps. I tried Wellbutrin. Anxiety heart palps, couldn't sleep.