View Full Version : do you feel like this

16-07-09, 22:41
When watching TV and theres lots of action going on do you get dizzy. Its like a weird kind of dizzy feeling, hard to explain. Also can you feel your heart beating. At times when I'm just sitting around i can feel and see my shirt moving as my heart beats. I don't know whats that about but i did ask my doctor about it and he said to check my pulse when i notice this to see if my heart beats with out skipping and its beating at the same pace and strenght. Thanks for you responce on this :flowers:

17-07-09, 10:05
Yes, I get the dizzy feeling when watching fast moving camera action, and I notice it more so since we got a larger tv screen. I thought it was something to do with my advancing years, but maybe not. There is so much whizzing around with the cameras these days on TV that sometimes I just turn the programme off as it spoils my viewing. I also get the strong heart movement on occasions, usually when I am stressed but I really do try and just accept it. Hope this helps.