View Full Version : medication panic

19-09-05, 10:42
Hi everyone,

I got another lot of antibiotics of the doctor to get my gland to go down in my neck but this one had terrible side effects as its made me feel very sick and gave me headaches (i only took a day and a half) but i got very panicky about it and ended up in a right state.
It took me back to my darkest days when i first started taking panic attacks, i felt out of control and i couldnt remember simple things.
I dont know why i panicked so much but it ruined the weekend.

Now i got to go back to the doctors again "3rd time" because he thinks i may have glandular fever or something like that but i dont want anymore medication because it scares me, does anyone else get like this about medication ?


19-09-05, 10:47
I've got a fear of most medications as I find it hard to swallow tablets, always imagining I'm going to choke on them. Even when I ake my betablockers I feel anxious. When you go back to the docs explain to him how you feel (although if he's anything like mine he'll not listen) but then again he might be able to help you. If not go to another doc for a 2nd opinion. Don't know if this has helped, maybe the medication makes you feel like you're out of control. I hope you feel better soon and that your glands problem goes away so you don't have to deal with the anxiety of it

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

19-09-05, 11:14
Thanks Rois, I too panic about my beta blockers and only take them if i am going somewhere. After i take any medication its like i am ultra sensitive and look for the slightest twinge or pain in my body.
My first lot of antibiotics actually agreed with me very well but didnt do anything to help my gland, I am worrying now about how much damage this could be doing to me with taking different antibiotics and possibly about to get my 3rd lot in 9 days !


19-09-05, 12:08
Hi mirry,

Yep i think lots of people feel the same.

It is a tough one to beat but you should try and complete your course of them.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

20-09-05, 12:12
Hi Mirry,

I used to be pretty bad on medication - anti biotics being one of the worst - I have even on occasion asked a doctor if I really need them or my sickness (whatever it may be)will go away on it's own. He has replied twice that antibiotics may just speed up my recovery (I suppose it depends what is wrong with you!)

Anyway you obviously need these anti biotoics and it will really only be your second course if u only done 1.5 days of your last one.

Meg told me once that any major allergies will happen after your first or second tablet and any major side effects will happen after your fifth or so (correct me if I am wrong pls Meg!!) Anyway this helped me immensely!

I find if I read the enclosed pamplet I am more likely toget the side effects!!


23-09-05, 07:51
Hi Lucy

Glad im not the only one who feels like this,
I am not taking any medication now and my glands appear to be going down:D so until next time I will try not to worry so much about my health but easier said than done:(

take care
