View Full Version : CBT

17-07-09, 02:01
Hi All at NMP, just a few words to say that there is life after panic attacks! I suffered from aggoraphobia for more than 20 years, due to many traumas in my life, I found it so hard to talk to people, cry or lead a normal life. To cut a long story short I had CBT along with Cipramil from my doctor and now I'm back on track again.

I must admit though, I bottled so much up for years, ie my sons cot death at 3 months old, divorce, after my husband went off the rails and had an affair, then my dads sudden death, bladder cancer at the same time my grandson was rushed to hospital with Meningitus, followed by my Mothers suicide, instead of getting things out in the open I bottled it all up and pretended I could cope!! Which I now realise was the wrong thing to do!! But I felt as though I had to be strong for everbody else.

I went back to work as a TA in my local school and loved it, up until I was asaulted by a year 5 pupil! The school didn't want to know, they just turned a blind eye to what had happened to me. But I was determined not to give up.

I waited for 18 months for help, then finally saw a Phycologist, who just sat and listened to me! She was so shocked at the fact that I hadn't recieved the right help!

Sorry to jibber on, but I've managed to go back to work (as a Clinical Support Worker) today and loved every minute of it.

Nobody knows my past and they all treat me as an equal. It felt so good. :D

17-07-09, 02:05
Well done loobydoobs! You should feel proud of yourself.

17-07-09, 02:12
Aw, thanks Maddie,

I'm just finding it so hard to switch off!! Hope you are ok. :)