View Full Version : im new to this site and i hope im writing in the right place!

17-07-09, 02:11
I just found this site while i was googling light headedness in the heat.
Ive been suffering from anxiety on and off for years, quite badly when i was 17, again when i was 24 (i couldnt even do anything alone for about 3 weeks) and then less severe as time goes by and i become more aware. now, although i am constantly anxious in a way, i just get these episodes of panic in certain situations. For a while 2 years ago i was even worried that i was becomign agoraphobic bcs i started to panic that i would faint or feel faint every time i left the house. But i managed to overcome it by making myself go out. My panic always seem to start with fear of fainting , so maybe that is my problem?
Today i went for a walk and it was very hot (which makes me light headed anyway) and in a way i did it deliberatly to see if i could, and after about 15 minutes i noticed i couldnt get my breath properly and so i got very anxious about being in the sun and so i went over to where there was some shade and had to sit down on the floor bcs by that time i was shaking and scared and i started crying and rang my boyfriend to come and get me.
he was very understanding and kind and i felt better soon then also the day became cooler and i was fine.
Except that now im worried because its not normal that i cant even walk in the sun jsut for half an hour. It is very hot here at the moment.
Does that cause this for other people? I often get light headed in the heat.
but why do i panic about this?
Im sorry if this all sounds stupid :/
I hope i have posted in the right place, because i would love to get a reply with soem advice or help or even someone who gets the same thing happening to them.
Thank you for reading

17-07-09, 08:58
Hi there Lucyloo

I am sorry to read about your experience yesterday. If it is any consulation you are not alone I was in a very similar situation yesterday and took an hour (this should have been, at the very most, a ten minute walk) to try and get through my city centre to get to my car. I got close enough to see the car park my car was in but had to give up as I was unable to stand upright and it felt like I couldnt get any air into my lungs. I phoned my best friend who was, as always, empathic and ready to help. I have never experienced anything as intense as this before in terms of the levels of aniexty that I normally experience and I can be in profound internal turmoil but brave my way through so I am now very worried that the lid has blown of the boiling pot - if that maks sense. I am about to go to my GP to explain what happened yesterday and if I get any info that may be helpful I will post them to you. Onwards and upwards here's to a positive day today.


18-07-09, 14:13
Hi and thanks for the messages. Clarice your experience sounds very simiar to mine, please let me know what your doctor says. I think its because we start to get stressed (i get that in crowds too and you say you had to walk through a probably crowded city centre- i dont like having to do that!) and then the body reacts to the stress in a similar way to the panic and thats why we get like that. Like a vicious circle or something.
I hope that you are feeling better too, its so horrible isnt it. It makes me feel less scared to hear that other people have the same thing happen to them. I understand what you mean about normally being stronger and getting through it. Ive done that before too, sometimes i do, and on that occasion i needed help.
I hope you are having a better day today and thanks again