View Full Version : Jumpy Nerves

19-09-05, 12:53
Hi All

I have recently joined this forum as in the last few weeks have been diagnosed with panic and general anxiety disorder. I have always been a panicker - worrying about everything and anything and really silly things. Always thinking something terrible is going to happen. Have had some physical symptoms in the past when nervous - like nausea, upset tummy, flipping tummy etc but never thought I had an issue with anxiety. A few weeks ago I started to tingling in my fingers. Initially thought it was due to two very stressful works at week and sitting at the comp for 11-12 hours every day. Then it got worse and started in my feet. I got so anxious about it and started worrying I had MS etc. It just got worse and worse until I felt like I had itching skin, twicthing muscles, jumping nerves, tingling sensations, mild pins and needles etc, sore arms and legs, burning muscles... the list goes on. I spent 4 weeks thinking I had a dread disease and of course went onto google which made it even worse. I finally plucked up the courage to see my GP and she did extensive bloods and all sorts of tests and all came back clear. After a long discussion she is convinced its all pyschological and it caused by panic and anxiety. I am well aware that I am a panicker but cannot believe that all these symptoms can be a result of panic. It's weird too because they happen randomly and not constantly and sometimes I feel like I am not panicing when they do happen.... I am now taking some anti-anxiety meds and have counselling and the symptoms have definitely improved but have not totally stopped. I still get the odd tingling and a feeling like I have a jumping nerve in my foot which sometimes becomes tingling and sometimes stops after a few "jumps". My hands and arms and legs do feel much better though but I still get a flippy stomach a lot...It's only been about two weeks since I started the meds and counselling but I still am panicking that the doc has missed something and that I have a terrible disease - even though she is so thorough and I trust her very much!! I know I am being ridiculous and a normal person would have forgotten about it all by now but I just can't seem to let it go....I know I am probably repeating what everyone else has said at some point on the forum but I am really desperate for some reassurance and have already found this site such a comfort even though this is my first post. Thanks to everyone for your support.....

19-09-05, 14:35
Hi Christine

A big warm welcome to you.

You will find lots of friendly people and plenty of support



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

19-09-05, 15:06
Welcome Christine

Your story does sound a very familiar one.

I hope the counselling will help you understand yourself and why you have all these physical symptoms.

Keep checking out this board too - there's load of support and advice for you here.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-09-05, 07:45
Hi guys

Thanks for the messages. This forum is really wonderful and such a comfort. I just need to accept that anxiety can actually cause these symptoms instead of thinking I have a terrible disease. Scary how powerful the mind is....

Think I might buy one of Dr Weekes books - they seem to have helped everyone else a lot.

Thanks again.....

20-09-05, 13:25
Hello Christine

**A few weeks ago I started to tingling in my fingers. Initially thought it was due to two very stressful works at week and sitting at the comp for 11-12 hours every day**

Think your first impression was right and it was only through dwelling on it all that it progressed. The tinling si often due to over breathing

How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)
CONTROLLED BREATHING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5041)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Definately get a Claire Weekes- anxiety bible.

*feeling like I have a jumping nerve in my foot which sometimes becomes tingling and sometimes stops after a few "jumps". * I used to have this -I missed it terribly when it went, it was one of two warning signs of rising anxiety- made me know to take care.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-09-05, 20:16
Hi Christine,

I totally understand your symptoms 100% as although I have suffered anxiety for 5 years, its only been this year I have suffered the itching and burning muslces. I have always sufferd the tingling or 'buzzing' feet and all other symptoms related too overbreathing. I still find it difficult at times to accept that it is all anxiety.

I hope this just helps to know that I too have the same symptoms.


21-09-05, 08:35
Thanks Meg and Sadie for the advice. I cannot tell you what a comfort it is to hear it happens to others. I got my Claire Weekes yesterday. The book shop I went to (in South Africa) only had one copy and they battled to find it on the shelves but finally did after much searching so I felt it was meant to be mine! I have also decided to keep a journal so while in the book shop went to buy one and the first one I saw had a pretty cover with the words "All is well in my world" on the front. So corny but I thought maybe it was a sign! So hard to accept anxiety can make you feel this way.

Thanks again for the support....

21-09-05, 16:17

Glad you got it and good plan to journal.

We like signs.sometimes ...gives us a push in the right direction


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-09-05, 11:42
Hi Christine

A big warm welcome to you. I hope the site helps you.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

22-09-05, 13:00
Welcome Christine,

I'm sure you'll find the Claire Weekes book a real support.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Sue K with 5
22-09-05, 15:40
Hi Christine !

Welcome to NMP ! like everyone has said the help and support here is wonderful and trust us when we tell you your symptoms are so classic of panic and anxiety !

If you ever need to talk we have an excellent chat room where you can talk to people about how you feel and your symptoms !

My advise never look up symptoms on Google! and always come and ask if your worried !

Take care for now

Sue with 5


26-09-05, 13:32
Hi Everyone

Thanks for all the replies - makes me feel tons better. I am doing a bit better. Am on cipralex now which seems to be helping but everytime I feel another symptom I panic. Also reading Claire Weekes which is brilliant- but putting it into practice is another thing I guess. Most opf my symptoms have gone but still getting sore limbs and the odd tingling and pins and needles but these are getting better each day.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone....

26-09-05, 17:34
Hi Christine

Welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here.
I have had all the symptoms that you mention and with time I promise they will go.

Take csre
Elaine x

16-01-11, 05:41
Try some magnesium. sluggish liver function and stress can burn out your magnesium causing anxiety and nerve degradation. Also take some Vitamin D and b12. If your digestion is not so good your best way to get magnesium is through the skin. Espom salt baths or magnesium oil will penetrate. Anxiety is the symptom not the disease. Good luck.