View Full Version : just started citalopram 20mg

17-07-09, 10:41
hi i'm new here,

i have suffered anxiety for 3 months now after suffering postnatal depression, i am really struggling to get back to normal, i am even scared to go outside after taking numerous panic attacks, i have most of the symptoms, my doctor gave me citalopram about 3 weeks ago and i only picked up the courage to start them last night already i'm feeling sick, i don't really have anyone who understands me, they just keep saying it's postnatal depression but i know it's more than that, i used to suffer anxiety and eventually beat it but this time it's harder and i need medication to help could my postnatal depression be making my anxiety worse?:unsure:

Funky Mum
17-07-09, 10:52
Big ((hugs))

I'm on day 3 of Citalopram 20 (3rd dose later today) and I've been worried about the side effects, although I know I won't get them all it is pretty scary.
So far I find that about 2 hours after I take one I get a little headache and feel sicky and tired. Also a bit woozy. last night I also found that I needed to blink alot - like my eyes were smeary. Today I feel fine.
Ive had health anxiety too and it can be all linked to depression so I've read.

17-07-09, 11:15

It's normal to feel these side effects, especially the "wooziness." If your eyes are "smeary" you might find that you'll be doing huge, creaking yawns next. My eyes get quite watery.

Unfortunately, the nauseous feeling lasts for up to 3 weeks. The best thing to do is sip mint tea, ginger ale/tea or buy Motilium, an anti-sickness tablet, from boots. It costs £5 for ten tablets. You must let the pharmicist know you're taking citalopram.

Hope this helps!

Funky Mum
17-07-09, 11:20
Thanks Liss!