View Full Version : Tinnitus and dizzy

17-07-09, 16:37
Just looking for some support. Had a ringing in my right ear for a week now. Went to one doc and he said he could see fluid in my ear drum and it could take a few wks to clear. The next my panic and anxiety was at its max for some reason and i became very dizzy all day so I went to see a doc in the evening and they also checked my ears and said they couldn't see any fluid, so obviously I then started worrying again about why I had this ringing. I woke up in a panic so got myself back to the docs and asked for a second opinion. He said no sign of any fluid and sent for a hearing test. If its still there in 3wks then a referal to ENT specialist needed as one sided tinnitus is taken seriously?? All a bit worried and worked up now.:weep:

17-07-09, 16:44
The fluid could be behind the eardrum and can't be seen by looking in your ear. It's the other side of your eardrum. I had it and it caused dizzyness. There wasn't a lot they could do other than wait for it to clear. Ask your doc for some stemetil for the dizzyness,it's what they prescribe for the middle ear problems.

good luck
