View Full Version : Nausea worries

17-07-09, 18:07
I have been fighting nausea for the last 6 weeks! It started after 2 months of dizziness and other symptoms. I was interested in hearing other people's exeriences with nausea as I am trying so hard to fight on and not give in to it! I have sells of nausea daily, sometimes all day relentlessly. Some days it is a sudden feeling like I may gag, which comes out of nowhere when I am not even feeling sick, other days its an acidy stomach and burping type of nausea. Other days I have a constant mouth watering feeling that leads to nausea, it starts in my mouth an irritation like something is stimulating my salivary glands, then my mouth keeps watering and I have to keep swallowing. I also get a sout taste in my mouth and a tightness in the back of my throat like I am going to throw up. Anyone have similar symptoms or has had and what did you do to help with symptoms. Any advice or similar experiences would really help me to understand if its anxiety or if I have something else wrong.

17-07-09, 20:08
Hi there

I too suffered from nausea for weeks (about 12/14) and this seems to be an anxiety related symptom. Someone suggested ginger ale or soda water - both seemed to help if you immeadiately passed wind!!! I also took Andrews liver salts and they worked for me.
However, one day I got up and it had just left (like heartburn afer your baby is born). All I have been left with is a feeling of dread that something is going to happen but I think this is subsiding - fingers crossed!!!!!

Take care
